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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Must have been a considerable uptick in salary to make that move. With more money comes expectations. Fan expectations are as follows, take careful notes, Derek. 1. Be positive .don't tell it like it is. That's being a nit picking negatron. Out of touch with an agenda. Defend and praise the people will defend and praise. 2. But don't be positive for QBs, coaches , GMs and other team functionaries we have turned against. This will change often. This makes you an apologist and somebodys lackey. 3. Be negative towards things we are negative about. That's the way it is so tell it like it is. 4. If there is any confusion consult with us, daily if possible, on what to say and think. Got all that, Derek?
  2. By not making the effects of a down market worse by making decisions that were clearly against the industry based on ideology and spite ?
  3. Funny, you'd think an aboriginal woman taking on her white male superiors in a white male dominated profession would be pure gold to these people....and not the boat rocking rat they're trying to paint her as.
  4. The cries of "unethical" by partisan media and apologists on JWRS recordings is rich. If a woman secretly recorded a plot by perceived enemies of leftists she would be hailed as a "hero" , "courageous" and a "role model" for "standing up to the patriarchy" etc. Etc. Then given awards and lifetime employment and endless paid feminist and diversity speaking tours if she wanted it. "She persisted" indeed.
  5. So we experienced things differently. Fair nuff
  6. Because jokes were made at Avenatti s expense and you lept to his defense ?
  7. Whats the marxist term for defending Avenatti ...something along the lines of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" ?
  8. It's "alt right methodology" to call out a rich crooked lawyer ? To me it's punching up.
  9. And not just another opportunistic unethical dirt bag lawyer with delusions of grandeur.
  10. Say what you will but what's not generally known is Avenatti was and still is regarded as a towering legal intellect in the complex field of curiously timed lunatic testimony of imaginary early 80s gang rape keggers and their conservative supreme Court nominee participants. Keep punching up, Michael.
  11. But that's the origin, the Clinton camapign, that paid for the dossier. Who first ordered it and who knew what when. As worthy an investigation as anything.
  12. Fox news is as corporate and therefore compromised and globalist as CNN is... and about as useful.
  13. The other side has not been independently investigated. Clinton campaign paid for fake Steele dossier through Fusion GPS that employed an ex spy working for a Russian oligarch. So either figures in FBI DOJ and CIA were either corrupt, negligent or incompetent to launch a 3 year investigation into nothing. Lots to go on here.
  14. Then recomend indictments for obstruction. Obviously Mueller didn't have anything to proceed on that too.
  15. LOL. Literally, in the strongest possible terms
  16. Democrats, leftists, partisan media , never trumpers and general Resistance types were stunned. They went all in on the collusion conspiracy theory. Elevated Mueller , a white male, to secular saviour status. If people were truly serious about the truth then the other side of the ledger has to be investigated too. Sounds like they will.
  17. Then let the private sector and other rich arseholes continue to fund it. Make them pay if they want their name to be attached to it for corporate image and write offs. It's a charity not a government program. Special Olympics will be just fine.
  18. Sincerely, Gov. Ralph Northam. (D) Virginia.
  19. For over two years mainstream political media staffed almost entirely of Resistance and NeverTrumpers deliberately peddaled "walls are closing in on Trump" stories to gaslight people into believing the Collusion story had a factual foundation. It was a lie cooked up by corrupt and partisan officals in the FBI, DOJ and CIA manipulating the system in order to get an investigation to find at least something to get Trump on. They failed. Now the prospect of the microscope being turned on how it even got this far to begin with must be terrifying proposition for all involved.
  20. Front page , above fold banner headline, NY Times. " The Newspaper of Record" A paper who took at least a mild interest in the investigation and the legal fate of Trumps presidency iirc.
  21. Yes, he did. The conclusion of the investigation was that there was no evidence found for the charge of collusion to influence an election. Zero. None. The #Resistance , synpathetic media and NeverTrumpers lost. Again.
  22. Because special prosecutors do not "exonerate". They either present evidence for criminal prosecution or say there is none. Mueller did the latter.
  23. Convictions that had nothing to do with collusion which the investigation was established to find. It found penny ante corruption but that's not what the Resistance and NeverTrumpers were interested in. Which is why they are scrambling for a new narrative now.
  24. Mueller was hailed as a god- send and crusader for truth by # Resistance types, sympathetic media, and NeverTrumpers who lashed out at critics for it taking so long and having it so open-ended as either Trump collaborators or dumb info wars types. They cannot turn around now and say investigation was ham-strung because they didn't get the result they yearned for and in some cases conspired to get. Of course they will try.
  25. New narrative "Investigation was incompetent, biased, incomplete, compromised..Mueller was handcuffed etc.." Or "Mueller investigation was never a serious threat to Trump so stop hyping the result, it's the other stuff, that's what's REALLY important" *flips coin*
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