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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Imagine being Hillary and her people this morning. You rigged the nomination process and stole debate questions from media helpers to beat Sanders You run a horrible campaign and ignore states even your own people said were vulnerable. Rather than admit the above you create a narrative your rightful election was stolen from you by Russian agents and american conspirators. You then enlist the near full weight of narrative sympathizers in media to paint Trump,and others as traitors. Out of revenge you fund a fake dossier for party loyalists in FBI and DOJ to manipulate the basis for an investigation to, essentially, over turn an election you fairly lost at the same time getting legal cover for your own crimes from the same people. You pin hopes on Mueller, with media cheerleaders, he finds at least one thing impeach able even if you couldn't get him removed for said treason Now you have nothing. Welcome to Hell.
  2. First Mexican player interview... "aye crumba why officiating so bad why you no invest in improving quality of referees. .they no understand the pass intereference...."
  3. How soon do these international partners ask "um, yeah about those rules of yours...we need to talk"
  4. Collusion?, yeah, Tillman and Kavis' lack of intelligence.
  5. Cards on the table. Wanted Manziel to turn into something up here. .. But it's nice to be on the right side of a deal that will become legend. The Legend of Kavis.
  6. Well, it certainly clarifies the QB situation in MTL.....wait a sec...
  7. Anyone remember Cameron Marshall ?
  8. This must have been 2013. Was there for 95 Cup and it was a huge community car wash-bbq-charity fundraiser-let's all pitch in and do our part type vibe.."Soooo where ya from?" endlessly
  9. Yes. Hamilton isnt dynamic enough for a big event in a big city feeling but it's too big for a grass roots, folksy approach at the same time. Have to find a middle way that doesn't come across as some half assed compromise Interesting to see what private sector forces Young can marshall to make this work and how much or how little government money .
  10. Point taken. But we'll have to wait and see. This city bungles nearly everything it get its hands on, but that's on the government level, hoping they'll be cut out of the loop as much as possible
  11. So TSN panel with watermelons on heads wasn't particularly charming or endearing for non Priders ?
  12. Have to wonder how much hotel space enters into it as this is Regina's third hosting.
  13. It's as if American football consumers are saying they are fine with high school, college and NFL..we don't actually need this.
  14. "#randycommish.....heading to Mexico to pick up the cheque. Weird how they want to meet in the middle of a desert and told me to come alone, oh well, I guess that's how they do things down there. ..."
  15. This city can't organize a cup of coffee. Two years isn't enough.
  16. CFL was mocked and rightly so for one owner owning two teams to prop up. Now we have a league where one guy, essentially, owns all the teams to prop the whole enterprise up.
  17. Don't know why you translated the joke as a comment on attendance. It was an attempted humorous take on the fact the once, supposedly, premier franchise, in just over a month has been abandoned by their coach and were trucked by sad sack division rivals in FA... To the point where "well, at least we didn't spend like drunken sailors" and "maybe Collaros won't get hurt this time" is the spin.
  18. 2019 Priders Season Ticket Drive "Uninspired In-house Hiring and Sober Fiscal Management Fever-Catch It !"
  19. It's a sweet gig. They're with you all the way...they all see your talents and strengths because they're an intelligent fan base ..got to the mattresses to defend you. ...when times are good...start losing ? Gawd help you...they'll know exactly whats wrong with you. ..again, because they're an intelligent fanbase.
  20. Prider reaction.. 1.It's garbage. Media trouble making. 2. pfft name one locker room where everything's peachy .What an overreaction. 3. Rantings of a malcontent. No worries they all work
  21. Anyone else think the Arcenaux signing was a complete afterthought. ....trying to appease the restless mob with a brand name ?
  22. Gatekeepers on Riderfans can't spin enough people happy so they're playing the safe, sober and fiscally responsible angle...a la Frank Grimes...as predicted. Compared to BC and EDMs approach its like the celibate, designated driver at a Playboy Mansion kegger bbq still trying to act cool.
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