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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Ultimate test of Glanville's defense and his ability to adapt and prepare was in the EF and his defense got pantsed spectacularly. He's now a curious footnote in team and league history.
  2. With the Rider donkey parade at QB Murphys brand as ace talent finder took a hit.
  3. Then "With Murphy the Riders will have the best player personnel and recruitment team in the league" Now. "I don't remember ever saying that stop exaggerating you troublemaker" Same people.
  4. Old enough to remember hiring was a "coup" for the Riders since he was the architect of the Stamps success.Guy is a stud player finder extraordinaire etc etc. And now he scuffles off without a fight.
  5. My choice would have been to move Jones right out the door. Was never enamoured with his offense. Seemed to be to easy to stop by quality defenses. Looked like gangbusters against crap ones and that's what too many fans and media went ga-ga over.
  6. Riderfans and negative rumours. Like Taman and Chamblin before him the process is this: 1. Jones will be defended. Critics will be mocked and ridiculed by the select few. 2. Front office becomes leery as negativity mounts. Select few follow suit. 3. More and more negativity is selectively leaked as firing is foregone conclusion. Select few being full participants . 4. Jones is fired. Avalanche of horror stories begins. Jones is now officially a villain, all accomplishments suspect or dismissed. One or more of select few reveals "I knew it all along but didn't want to say anything..." etc. 5. New guy hired. Reset process.
  7. Ellingson refuses breathalyzer test .He doesn't play for SSK.
  8. Any other team this would be fair game over there....willing to bet someone tried to bring this to light and was crushed immediately.
  9. Riderfans must be all over this...if the cricket chirps are any indication
  10. It would appear Orlando Steinauer isn't going anywhere and will be HC in HAM sooner not later. So says Naylor.
  11. ...in other Jennings news....he sucks...
  12. Since we are stuck with Granddad Jones for the immediate future it's Masoli for the immediate future.
  13. Jock Climie quits TV. .... And not a single CFL fan will care
  14. Golly, that post game celebration went ghetto, didn't it?
  15. TSN has been a co-conspirator in the Rider fan/media circle jerk industrial complex. But the host of our local TSN radio affiliate went out of his way to point out rider fan jagoffs on social media and how they ruin every CFL conversation. So maybe the tide is turning.
  16. Said more about WPG at the time than HAM, in retrospect.
  17. HAM, Masoli have looked great beating up crap teams TOR, MTL, EDM, BC but run into a brick wall vs practically everyone else. Fan goggles are on of course but....
  18. OTT is just better than HAM. But there were times OTT looked inept and Harris completely ineffective. HAM needs that team to show up. I'll be there regardless.
  19. It's like when any level of government says they're going to "crackdown" on something. Then they brag about results and the difference they are making in our lives.
  20. The missed call was due to human error. So solution is to add another human? If officials angle of vision is blocked like last week what's stopping it from happening to the extra one?
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