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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Media driven drama. All,this from a league who can't get pass interference right.
  2. League adds official for headshots . Because it's CFL officiating we're dealing with here.... This guarantees a headshot will be called late in a game. Will set up a score especially in a low scoring game. Will be instrumental in the game's outcome. Replay will be shown over and over and everyone will say "that's a headshot"??? League will ignore outrage. "We erred on the side of caution. We believe in player safety" Media will pretend they had nothing to with ginning up panic on headshots and shaming Ambrosie into an overreaction. Media will attack officiating for ruining a game with a bad call. The "problem" remains a problem.
  3. .Riderfans types are attempting to paint themselves as the MOST victimized with league staff cuts . They are paying the price for undisciplined spending of OTHER teams. The. Most. Self-absorbed. Fanbase. On. Earth.
  4. CFL haters in the media, who ignore league all year long, will be all over labour troubles , Toronto attendance and AAFL stuff.. ..Draining talent base, why should we watch watered down football ? , League is huge trouble etc. They'll emerge during GC week. Book it.
  5. Already giving Pipkin , among others, as QB of the future for a test drive. Pipkin. Seriously.
  6. True. But as you are no doubt aware there are only three or four opinions that actually matter over there. They write the narratives.
  7. If you're accepting the loss without all the silly mitigating currently making the rounds, I salute you.
  8. This just in.. The Official Narrative of the game has been composed at RF. "Woulda won if Collaros played..so , in a way, we won and completely vindicates everything we did." Adjust accordingly.
  9. When negs are still quiet in January.... Stay tuned for the"Roosevelt is selfish and greedy..I knew it all along" threads.
  10. If we were still a no cap league Reilly would be going to TOR for 100 millions.
  11. Same people who moan about weather and CFL playoffs ... go all in for NFL hype and nostalgia for Green Bay frozen tundra etc. Either be consistent or stop being a poosy
  12. Don't know who Riders think they're going to get at QB. Reilly will either stay or go to BC. BLM stays or goes to NFL. Either get lucky and find someone at mini camp or go full project with some donkey. They could well be seriously hooped for awhile.
  13. Riderfans fans bailing en masse on Collaros. Bridge has has bus tire tracks on his back. Cue The Plan 2.0
  14. "Would have a been a sellout if it wasn't for the weather schedule needs to be moved up etc." Is making the rounds. Which is like saying "fans could have wore shorts and golf shirts and flip flops if it wasn't for the weather. August should be extended to mid November."
  15. Thanks. No one saw it coming. Least of all moi.
  16. Nice win. Pleasant end to a nice,day.
  17. He is under rated. Rod Black dorking it up doesn't raise his profile it just reinforces what we think of Black.
  18. Old enough to remember Drew Tate jokes on Riderfans. Right around same time as the "Corky" jokes.
  19. Does TSNs love affair with Masoli, Banks and Tasker reach new levels of passion or do they rekindle an old flame with Harris, Sinopoli and Ellingson ? You can almost feel the heat. Send the kids to bed. Adults only.
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