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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Litmus test for HAM. Upper tier potential or just a faster turtle in the East.
  2. Happy to see the proper use of "reactive" instead of the common "reactionary" which is maddeningly incorrect.
  3. K/P return TDs ? Used to be a feature of this league. League even altered rules to enhance it. Just a trend or a permanent thing ?
  4. HAM going full scrap heap and sign Chad Owens. Played under Jones in Hawaii.
  5. Apologies for touching a nerve. It was just an observation. An accurate one.
  6. Durants transformation from "better than Lancaster" to "I was never really sure about him" then finally "Duran's a selfish jerk" among priders, virtually overnight, was incredible.
  7. Pipkin is due for a reality check. QB'S that are fast out of the gate fall back to Earth hard then find their true level.
  8. Would have given anything for an airborne beer can to find its way towards the Riders dickbags who went up the stairs. Yes I know it's wrong, but man, needed some pushback from somebody over that..
  9. Almost near total collapse of a defending championship team. Big story here but TSN will dance around it.
  10. As Trevor Harris insists on playing like shiit first place is open to HAM. Dimebag makes his Argo debut. Marcus Ball six gamed
  11. Yeah. So everybody can back to the regularly scheduled argument of "see, negatrons, i told you things arent that bad" vs. "One win wont fix whats wrong with this team, you apologist"
  12. No disrespect intended but HAM needs OTT to lose .
  13. You guys seriously need to win a game.
  14. Chip Cox called. He wants to play for Ottawa.
  15. CFL. " We're obsessed with player safety".
  16. Lions will have to do it with defense.
  17. Gimpy quarterback behind a makeshift offensive line. Gulp.
  18. I want to push Harris down and shave that stupid excuse of facial hair off his lip.
  19. BC - better than their record. OTT - worse.
  20. Watching 93 East Final on YouTube. A half time feature on Mike Kelly who's infant needed an operation. I'm going to fast forward.
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