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do or die

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do or die last won the day on October 22 2020

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  1. Was at a Oakland/Broncos game in Mile High, some years ago. Far more violence in the stands, than on the field.......
  2. Have to wonder.......as Kolo looked useless against any kind of inside stunt, all year....
  3. Rest assured......will be toning up my posts, in future.....
  4. You deal with Hervey......there will be consequences......
  5. At least we had Josh Johnson, last year......
  6. Blue Bomber discussion board.........last time I looked.
  7. Same thing with the Bombers, in the Cup game, unfortunately...
  8. Player got payed. Player praises new team. Startling.
  9. Yup.... the 2nd X game and the opener against the Als, really kicked of our season, alright......some of the most pathetic stuff, this ole timer, had seen for awhile.... Matty (and the ole OB Football Hotline) were awesome)
  10. I like Jake.....you like Jake....we all like Jake.... But bottom line....too many snaps, last season. Can't have more of this nonsense, moving forward. Key word: forward.
  11. We played Strev, when he was clearly hurt.....and put him in telegraphed situations, where D knew what was coming..... After all this time....to still have to speculate what he can or can't do......is simply a joke Another reason I don't miss Buck, one iota.
  12. Argos didn't exactly neutralize Olivera......we simply did it for them........
  13. Crippled This might work.....without Buck
  14. They were last year...... Trust the holes will get filled, this time.....
  15. Referred to it as a doughnut, last year....
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