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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. You will know the end is nigh, when interplanetary beings start showing up on the board....
  2. Good to see ole friends reuniting....
  3. Yup, certain right wing commentators found that foaming at the mouth.....was highly profitable. And still do.
  4. All the GOP would need is.... Trump spewing stuff about the rigged stolen election and buttressing the Dems case for impeachment.,..
  5. It would be more than foolish. Trump under oath? Wonder how many perjury charges can be racked up in a single individual's testimony.
  6. Problem with the GOP, is that the cultists (under Trump) have already gotten a taste. It has reached the point, where these crazed zealots will never settle for merely co-operating or working together with more moderate Republicans. Anyone in that party who exercises critical thinking, expresses themselves freely, and even worse....tells the truth.....are simply stinking, globalist, deep state, RINO traitors, who must be shunned and cast out. And of course, you have DJT offstage, who will continue to preach to the deluded, and support attacks on his "enemies" What a mess...
  7. Trump just likes to hear....what he likes to hear. Beyond these lawyer crews, most of his administration was stocked this way.....grifters, crazies, cult worshippers, under qualified for the job, BS artists, mushroom kissers, etc. History will regard that particular administration as a total steaming mess.....
  8. They can't talk like that around the President of the United States!
  9. So Trump has 2 new lawyers. One declined to charge Bill Cosby. The other says Jeffrey Epstein was murdered. Film at 11.
  10. Could also try fixing the PK (30th in league)
  11. Arsonist well qualified to comment on fires
  12. As long as Trump is still running the GOP....could be tricky..
  13. The Temple at Mar-a-Lago....
  14. C'mom, for 4 years, they preached for bipartisan action, respect for the truth, and justice for all....... just like Chief Water Buffalo Trump
  15. Biden is just another bad President, business as usual...
  16. Nik's brain has caught up with his legs........look out 55 looked like he was carrying a piano on his back, all nite......still played 26 minutes. Ridiculous.
  17. Opportunity? You bet, if you work it right. Sincerely, Frankie Graham
  18. If Trump is not impeached in the Senate, Republican legislators will be officially reduced to the status of Orange galley slaves, for the foreseeable future. How do they think that is going to work out?
  19. Doocy cannot speak that way to the President of the United States!
  20. AOC has consistently failed to show proper deference to her political elders, of both parties. She has also fallen short in silently taking criticism from such entities. Good for her....
  21. Never held public office. Serial liar. Fake purveyor of Christian values. More than qualified to run in a Trumpist State. Outstanding candidate....10/10 Founder of pro-Trump 'Walk Away' campaign charged in connection with Capitol insurrection https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/535738-founder-of-pro-trump-walk-away-campaign-charged-in-connection-with
  22. The retractions were weak......they will have to put out stronger ones. As far as damage done, they will be sued, regardless...
  23. They could also take a hard look at voter suppression laws and tactics, while they are at it.......
  24. Dominion don't even have to do any legal discovery......they already have hours and hours of 5-6 Fox talking heads.....completely slandering Dominion on video. Fish in barrel. I rate the chances of them going after Fox as....100%
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