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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. .....and some horn polish.
  2. Wear the horns......get gored
  3. She is the most worthy potential recipient of the Medal of Freedom, I've see this week........ Head of Republican AGs group steps down over robocalls pushing supporters to the Capitol https://thehill.com/homenews/news/533731-head-of-republicans-ags-group-steps-down-over-robocalls-pushing-supporters-to
  4. Remember the good ole days, when the big worry was ISIS radicalizing domestic terrorists......
  5. At least 15 top Trump officials didn't have to put up with it either. To say nothing about the crazy turnover rate in the upper echelons. Chaotic. Just the way The Don liked it.....
  6. Never confirmed by the Senate..
  7. Big problem for GOP, right into 2022 midterms....
  8. While we're on the idiot theme.... Roy Blunt GOP Senator Insists Trump Shouldn’t Resign: ‘He Touched the Hot Stove’ and Won’t Do It Again https://news.yahoo.com/gop-senator-insists-trump-shouldn-171810465.html He needs to huddle up with Susan Collins. At least she would show some concern......
  9. For all the Trump talk.....amazing how many GOP legislators still bestow agreement and approval on the election fraud and other conspiracy stuff. The rot runs deep........
  10. Until they find someone else to pander to them. A Ted Cruz type or something. Trump's real lasting legacy, will be his bringing these "nut groups" out of the shadows, and into the mainstream of the GOP.
  11. There certainly was no shortage of deflection and whataboutisms...
  12. Well, some posts were actually made about about the GOP opening its doors to fascists, conspiracy theorists, racists and the alt-right, and the ability of Trump to manipulate both these forces, and transforming half the GOP into a potentially dangerous cult - quite some time ago.
  13. Outgoing Capitol Police chief accuses House, Senate security officials of hindering efforts to call in National Guard https://thehill.com/homenews/news/533584-outgoing-capitol-police-chief-accuses-house-senate-security-officials-of Very bad smell, here....
  14. As long as I can keep drinking and posting, in either thread...
  15. Mulvaney: Earlier Trump controversies were 'policy differences' or 'stylistic,' but 'Wednesday was existential' https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/533524-mulvaney-earlier-trump-controversies-were-policy-or-stylistic-but PATHETIC
  16. Amazing how these social platforms have just now figured out....that they are "allowing too many posts that encourage violence and crimes"
  17. From the Swamp, to the Bog, to the Sewer.......
  18. ...and how many GOP officials encouraged or even took part in this debacle
  19. Trump repudiate his own garbage? Fat chance. We are talking about a guy, who as Varys states in Game of Thrones......"would see the realm burn if he could be king of the ashes."
  20. Great. As long as his other megaphones and enablers, both in the GOP and media.......are not forgotten.
  21. Back in the 90's, was down South, in a few States, doing the Civil War re-enactor thing. Would sit round the camp fire drinking the local shine with plenty of guys, who were quite capable of abusing just about any Amendment in the Constitution - though every man a Patriot - imagined or real militia men in real life. They really didn't like certain people - Blacks, Asians, gays, liberals, immigrants in general and "suits". Particular animus was reserved for just about all forms of Government above say, the local Sheriff. Absolute gun nuts, with a host of decided victim complexes and grievances. Zero ability to look at things from the other side. The raw material hasn't changed much, it seems. Just looking for somebody to prime them, make them ready......and set them off.
  22. Sasse says Trump was 'delighted' and 'excited' by reports of Capitol riot https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/533403-sasse-says-trump-was-delighted-and-excited-by-reports-of-capitol-riot
  23. Biden backs Trump decision not to attend inauguration “It’s a good thing, him not showing up,”“ He has exceeded even my worst notions about him. He has been an embarrassment to the country, embarrassed us around the world. Not worthy, not worthy to hold that office,” Nailed it.
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