Top 5 Presidential Job creators:
1. Bill Clinton (1993-2001): Most number of jobs created of all Presidents (18.6 million jobs) 15.6% increase, the third-largest percentage increase
2. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945): Largest Percentage Increase. 21.5%, of all Presidents
3. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989): Second-Largest Job Creator, 16.5 million jobs during his eight-year term, a 16.5% increase. Reagan was the second-largest job creator both number-wise and percentage-wise.
4. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981): Fourth-Largest Job Increase 9.8 million jobs, a 10.9% increase.
5. Harry Truman (1945-1953): Fourth-Largest Percentage Increase 6.9 million jobs. The 13% increase was the fourth-largest among modern presidents.