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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Right up there, with her telling the media " I will never lie to you" Unreal lying Administration....
  2. He's a product of his times....
  3. Will not be that easy to wash off the stink
  4. White House to forgo summer economic forecast amid COVID-19, breaking precedent https://thehill.com/policy/finance/499906-white-house-to-forgo-summer-economic-forecast-amid-covid-19-breaking-precedent What? They don't want to chart and broadcast that tremendous prosperity coming in the 3rd quarter (according to Trump, Kudlow, Muchin, Moore, et al.) WH twisting itself into a pretzel, once again....trying to protect Trump's re-election chances....
  6. He also tried to get the FCC to squelch Saturday Night Live. That didn't get far. Trump - defender of free speech 😄
  7. He didn't want people to reflect on 100,000 dead......crazier and crazier distractions every day...
  8. Or for that matter, actually apologetic about any of the constant garbage that spews out of his mouth....
  9. If that was to happen, I would have to issue a formal complaint and rant away on MBB
  10. Originally, the tax cut was going to "pay for itself". Part of that plan was to repeal Obamacare, denying 20-22 Million Americans access to health care, and diverting monies to cover some of the tax measures. When that failed in the House, Republicans went to plan B - just make the cuts anyway, and add a couple of Trillion to the debt. Not a peep from those solid fiscal conservatives.
  11. Being a played out and useless member of society. (According to some folks in media) I take no responsibility whatsoever, and continue to cower in the Ginbunker
  12. People forget that Obama inherited the financial crisis and had to pay for 2 Iraq wars and still left a stable economic platform
  13. The New Deal was a one-off to address massive unemployment (like today) He implemented it after being elected, Roosevelt gave no details on the election trail...knew that he was getting in, on the strength of not being Hoover (sic) True that a lot of that employment was generated by massive public works projects - but given the situation - needs must. Also Roosevelt was the first President to take advantage of new media (radio) in address the fears and discontents caused by the depression, and re-assure citizens that government had not forsaken them.
  14. GOP senators urge Trump not to restrict guest worker visas https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/499788-gop-senators-urge-trump-not-to-restrict-guest-worker-visas Sometimes, it all depends on who's ox is being gored
  15. Top 5 Presidential Job creators: 1. Bill Clinton (1993-2001): Most number of jobs created of all Presidents (18.6 million jobs) 15.6% increase, the third-largest percentage increase 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945): Largest Percentage Increase. 21.5%, of all Presidents 3. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989): Second-Largest Job Creator, 16.5 million jobs during his eight-year term, a 16.5% increase. Reagan was the second-largest job creator both number-wise and percentage-wise. 4. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981): Fourth-Largest Job Increase 9.8 million jobs, a 10.9% increase. 5. Harry Truman (1945-1953): Fourth-Largest Percentage Increase 6.9 million jobs. The 13% increase was the fourth-largest among modern presidents.
  16. We know the issues already existed, but no excuse for the disgraceful manner for which Trump has simply exacerbated them. In Trumpland, people don't seem to need to weigh and evaluate the media on a case basis, but merely play follow the leader.....
  17. Republicans have been pushing that stupid trickle down economic theory, since Reagan. Because that theory works pretty well for the people that really count. And those people are not the bulk of working Americans.
  18. You do know that the hypnotized never lie....
  19. Taking the existing inequalities as well, as the social, racial, and political differences and disagreements already in America....and making them much worse, by using them all as wedge issues for political gain through non-stop dog whistling and gas-lighting.....is actually pretty bad.
  20. He also knows how to shine up Trump, by repeating whatever conspiracy blather the leader comes up with. As I stated before, people need to really check out the makeup of Trump's Cabinet and understand that the "swamp " is not being drained, but is now overflowing at its banks.....
  21. The way some people are ignoring protective measures.....we will have a extended or 2nd wave of the virus, to downplay and discount.
  22. Russia, Iran
  23. From the White House on down...
  24. Trump certainly believes in the First Amendment. For himself, only.
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