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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Life-size cardboard cutout of himself, to follow.....
  2. Thought I had got that pyre thing out of the way, by now....
  3. Heard that the Kardashians gave some valuable input, as well.....
  4. All the books, I was going to read some day, are currently being dealt with.....
  5. Trump said he's told Pence not to call the governors of Washington and Michigan, suggesting the vice president is "wasting [his] time." We'll see what happens shortly, when more Republican Governors have to square up to this moron.
  6. Both you and the crazed left wing media have simply made the same mistake. "Taking the President's statements literally."
  7. G. W. Bush 90% (2001-9-21) G. H. W. Bush 89% (1991-02-28)
  8. Trump had access to use the DPA 10 days ago. Wasting time. GM will be the scapegoat for "not enough ventilators" everywhere.
  9. Stable genius leadership, at it again. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/489849-trump-lashes-out-at-gm-ford-over-ventilators Yesterday on Fox: Tweeting today: btw.....GM sold the Lordstown plant, late last year. Can America really continue to absorb the noxious fumes, from Agent Orange for 4 more years?
  10. Steve Mnuchin told CNBC on Thursday when asked about the initial jobless claims: 3 million more jobless claims. No big deal. Completely irrelevant. Everybody reassured......
  11. Church and State merging together like a well oiled machine. Trump Cabinet Bible Teacher Blames Coronavirus Pandemic on God’s Wrath — Somehow It Involves China, Gay People, and Environmentalists https://theintercept.com/2020/03/24/trump-cabinet-bible-studies-coronavirus/ Checked out Drollinger's Capitol Ministries Members Bible Study (link in article) The acolytes are listed on the front page, right hand side. This administration is far more whacked out...., that even I though possible. Tremendously Scary.
  12. Can't wait for my next investment statement. Or perhaps not....
  13. Who needs medical experts, when you know more about it, than they do. Just like everything else. World expert stable genius, with great genes....
  14. In my Lit collection, I have a study done by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, from 1962, that "proves" absolutely no link between cigarettes and cancer. Probably written by people with far more formal education, than myself. Educated idiots try harder.
  15. At least I will be finally dried out, and at peace....
  16. Hope the younguns appreciate it..
  17. After reading some various contrarian sites and blogs, and given my age, pulmonary condition, etc.... The only decent thing I can do, for the greater good.... is to draw the appropriate conclusions and find the nearest pyre. Had a good run, anyways...
  18. Another courageous Republican: https://thehill.com/homenews/media/489472-glenn-beck-id-rather-die-from-coronavirus-than-kill-the-country-from-economic
  19. Add education, environment and social justice.....
  20. You mean, all those GOP free traders, who were tough on dictators.......
  21. Trump is lonely and frustrated. Lonely, in that he misses those ego-pumping, bully pulpit rallies. Frustrated, because he actually has to face and answer questions, and the threat of someone with actual knowledge, contradicting or correcting him. Why do you think he hasn't had a White House briefing, in the last year and a half, and only gives interviews to Fox?
  22. Keeping a close watch on Neo-Lennist Democrats......whatever the hell, that means. Perhaps I should join the comments section, there. Just kidding, still recovering from my last social experiment, on a couple of other sites.
  23. Trump during FOX interview, today: "You are going to lose a number of people to the flu. But you are going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression. "You're going to lose people. You are going to have suicides by the thousands...You're going to have instability." Later in the interview: "Depression causes death and a lot of problems. "Speaking about opening the country up again, Trump said: "I would love to have it opened by Easter."
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