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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Real cynicism would be to simply pretend that more could not be done - example: testing - the CDC, over the course of 2 days, this week tested exactly 77 people. So, Instead of specific domestic initiatives, to address what will be the hardest hit sectors and people, (and it is coming) we have Trump trying to push his payroll tax cut horse, onto the Senate. I have a stake in all of this - and just want all world leaders, to be at the top of their game, here.
  2. The Victorians screwed it up for everybody.....
  3. What was notable about the Trump speech was.... what wasn't in it Anything about hospital preparation and large scale community mitigation, in front of an expected tidal wave of new patients Accurate updates about testing and the state of test kit production Clarity about how cornovirus treatments would be covered. Health insurers, which met with Trump just days ago, scrambled to rebut Trump’s claims that plans would cover coronavirus treatments at no cost, clarifying that they only committed eliminate out-of-pocket costs for testing. Insurers will cover coronavirus care, but have not yet committed to waiving costs for treatment. Clarity about the new travel bans. Hours later, the administration had to walk back Trump’s assertion that his new travel bans would also affect cargo coming from 26 European countries — a move that would of screwed up the pharmaceutical supply chain and made testing even more difficult. At least two test kit companies are based in European countries. Too much confusion, period. Travel bans are one thing, but the needed information for people at the national, local and community level has to be open, accurate and clear. So far, no dice.
  4. They said that about the boomers....
  5. The Gin is mightier that the Sword.
  6. Bloody but unbowed
  7. Pence will straighten it all out.
  8. Well, lets hope those people smarten up...
  9. Pigseye....please come back...
  10. Manly
  11. Now I'm taking shrapnel for somebody else's post 😄
  12. By you?
  13. Because we were all put on this earth, to suffer first.... ps, also took me longer than expected, to infiltrate the league with the Canadian Mafia
  14. I let others decide that.
  15. You don't even know the true extent of my powers.
  16. George Soros
  17. I am in a certain age bracket and have a existing pulmonary condition. This is somewhat cutting into my relax and chuckle mode. Seriously, are you simply some kind of bot? The act is wearing a bit thin....
  18. You should of given it to me. Now all I have is gin and popcorn...
  19. While Pigseye is taking a well deserved rest......
  20. So turns out that historically, the colonial oppressors, robber barons, evil popes, fascist regimes, religious fanatics, and racists, et al., were just a bunch of wide eyed leftists.
  21. Relax. We have a virtual Persian Army, of recruits....
  22. Former Trump Homeland Security adviser: 'Little value' to European travel restrictions. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/487180-former-trump-homeland-security-adviser-little-value-to-european
  23. He still seems to act like it is a financial problem, not a health crisis
  24. http://Alex Jones promotes toothpaste he claims 'kills' coronavirus; FDA warns it's fraudulent Had some interaction with this guy, a number of years ago. Fraudulent conspiracy theorist, with one of the most whacked out "news sites" ever - Infowars. Why am I not surprised?
  25. Jared Kushner: World expert health professional. Probably knows almost as much as the stable genius. Grateful that he could take time off, from ensuring peace in the Middle East
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