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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. They would also like to push back against the current state of things without being called Hitler Youth, or political operatives or to young to understand issues
  2. Trouble is ....that issues like gun control have had political filters embedded in them for some time now. Makes it pretty hard to have a rational discussion, with a look to future solutions possible. The root of the problem, in the US, actually lies in historical impulses, and how Americans view themselves and the way they are governed. Guns are well intertwined with the flag and apple pie, as symbols of identity.
  3. Should of added a smiley. I dissected this issue, and in particular the Nunes Memo, some time ago
  4. They should haul in the judge who signed off on that FISA warrant. As well as the 4 other judges, who extended it.
  5. Unlike his father, Don Junior, under oath, would stand up and tell..... Nevermind
  6. Just keep following that money
  7. Try previous links to promotion of Trump properties...
  8. You also might want to check out why Tiger Woods is really getting the Medal of Freedom...
  9. Right now people view Biden as some form of antidote to Trump....because he is a real nice fella. Going forward, a lot of Dems will be arguing - too nice. And yeah, he's old. Part of the party see him as poster boy for "business as usual"
  10. Sudden outbreaks of civility, on any political thread can be a bit unsettling. But lets carry on.
  11. Fair enough. I have had ongoing concerns about the whole American political system, irregardless of party. Posted a rather lengthy explanation, earlier in this thread.
  12. Actually in the interest of fairness, we need more people to come forward and provide us with info, that would put Trump's actions and behaviour, in a more flattering light.
  13. It is going to take a good deal more "information posted" to ease my concerns about the fraudulent, mendacious, narcissist cretin, that supposedly is the leader of the free world....
  14. As far as criticizing Trump, I claim Executive Privilege.
  15. Trumpland is a magical planet, full of alternative facts.....
  16. At least Fox is still up to the task.....of polishing up the Donald https://thehill.com/homenews/media/442681-fox-friends-host-report-trump-had-1-billion-in-business-losses-shows-how-much New standard of success....
  17. Tried to take half of them off the hook.....but you're right.
  18. In terms of the coffee cup thing.....just imagine the possibilities for a Starbucks ad campaign around that!
  19. Hillary had it completely wrong. Not "deplorables".....but simply "gullibles"
  20. So...... when Trump left small investors holding the bag in New Jersey, ripped off students at Trump U, and stole money from cancer kids, using his foundation to pad his own nest...... It was all just sport? What a total fraud Trump is, figuratively and literally....
  21. Need the right ingredients to form a cult.....
  22. I am just a embittered never employee of the White House
  23. The next important question...is why did a certain foreign bank lend him 2B, despite misrepresenting his assets, and being such a bad credit risk, that no North American bank, wasn't interested in giving him a dime.
  24. He lied about his acumen as a businessman, lost mostly other people's money and worked the tax system to a T......but us working class folk, still know that Trump is the man, and cannot be questioned.
  25. I'm the guy in the suit. Have to mix with the plebs sometimes.....to get what I want.
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