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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Lapo is now completely reconciled to staying on.....after finding a case of Booster Juice in his bed.....
  2. Pretty briny over there.....
  3. You can smell the desperation
  4. Well, he sounded disgruntled as well....
  5. Morally enraged posters are standing by.....
  6. Giuliani says he worries his gravestone will say 'He lied for Trump' https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/426370-giuliani-worried-gravestone-will-say-rudy-giuliani-he-lied-for-trump Some dandy stuff in this one: Rudy doesn't have to worry.......his gravestone has already been printed.
  7. Actually a goodly number of their fans can see right through walls, it appears....
  8. Didn't this Farhan guy work for the Bombers PR, in the past?
  9. This sackcloth is itchy as hell......
  10. Been discussing the Lapo things over at RF......a lot of salt and vinegar over there about it.
  11. Mexicans facing Allah 4 times a day? Unreal. For that matter, just need to go into urban areas and arrest anyone with a rug, just for safety sake. But leave the Christians....
  12. Sure saves a lot of research......thanks
  13. There are 26 Republican incumbents up for re-election in the Senate, this next go round. The Shutdown's effects are going to really mushroom, very soon....With the Republican "leadership" in House and Senate, prostrate on all fours and bending over for Trump - they will get to wear it, as each day passes.
  14. Fortunately, the two White House Chiefs, have been deemed essential employees.....so The Don, can still stuff his face.
  15. Trump news as products ......"As Seen On TV": "Yes, it's true! For the next 6 hours, you can get Obstruction of Justice and Perjury, all in one. But wait! There's more! If you call in the next 2 hours, we will include for free - Campaign Violations AND Misuse of Public Funds! This additional bonus has been endorsed by the entire Trump family!! Plus, a certificate of authenticity from Donald, himself!!! So what are you waiting for? - don't delay....pick up that phone! Don't worry about the hidden charges and no refund - you won't regret that call!! Due to the sensitive nature of this material - no return address will be provided.
  16. Yes, but they don't call them the First Family for nothing.....
  17. It can't be the end......haven't ever dealt with the Trump Family potential misuse of funds, defrauding tax payers, tax evasion, emollient violations, fake trusts, etc
  18. .....try about 400-450 Million Dollars (via a certain German bank that has a long history of laundering money for the Russians)
  19. Also on one of the the hearing videos: Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham: "If there was some reason to believe that the president tried to coach somebody not to testify or to testify falsely that could be obstruction of justice?" Barr: "Yes,"
  20. Could all be a nothingberder
  21. Well, the very first article of impeachment against Nixon was....... Obstruction by directing others to lie.
  22. President Trump reportedly directed his former longtime lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about the effort to build a Trump Tower in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/425967-trump-directed-cohen-to-lie-about-plans-to-build-trump-tower-in Bet on it.
  23. They take Pence out of a great bigly box, once in a while.....and once he does his lapdog thing....they just put him away, again
  24. Perhaps Uncle Rudy read this one, early in the morning: Cohen on poll rigging report: 'What I did was at the direction of and for the sole benefit of' Trump https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/425805-cohen-responds-to-report-on-poll-rigging-what-i-did-was-at- Couple of interesting things about this one: Even when you agreed to do crooked deals with the Trump Campaign.....you still get ripped off Trump could be right about some polls being rigged
  25. If you want things run like a real banana republic.....no worries, as the appropriate leader is already in place.
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