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Everything posted by RagingIce

  1. dude, you just need to... experience regina
  2. Rod Black needs to shut up with his purple prose
  3. Same with JFG and Kohlert. well JFG didn't play did he? Carter in there for him most of the game if he did play (Carter had a catch too) Saw Kohlert catch at least one pass... I'd say given how the Bombers spread the ball around a guy getting 1 catch when he's not named Moore or Denmark is pretty solid. What was it? 7 different Bombers caught a pass last night? This is, IMO, the most refreshing thing about Willy - he actually progresses through his reads and spreads the ball around.
  4. Same with JFG and Kohlert. JFG was injured - Kohlert had a nice block and a catch or two I think. Our offence certainly didn't light it up.
  5. should've bought out pavelec, but other than that I'm fine with what he's done with the team.
  6. This game is sooo late
  7. Hope we get 30k. Might be doable
  8. love watching the riders get pummelled. It's been a while.
  9. can anyone say mosquitos?
  10. Wouldn't be a game on TSN without them tooting the rider horn.
  11. Black is an idiot. He just spoils every game he does. Every third down gamble ever.
  12. so many penalties
  13. Not going well for hamilton. Not gonna pass judgement though - this weather isn't exactly ideal.
  14. Hamilton's defence doesn't seem to have improved that much. Although the rain does make it difficult to judge.
  15. Troy Smith = Michael Bishop.
  16. Need to go after Dinwiddie now. Together they can reclaim their former glory.
  17. I believe it was taken down.I unfortunately had to take it down. Someone (think it was someone on TSN Radio) tipped off ticketmaster and they made it more difficult to extract the numbers. I don't really have time to play cat and mouse with Ticketmaster, so I just shut it down. Now I'm curious. Why do you think it was someone from TSN radio? I know for a fact some media members were using your site to keep tabs on ticket numbers last season. It happened shortly after I spoke with one of them, so I think they were doing some investigating. I don't blame them - the site wasn't strictly sanctioned by Ticketmaster, but it's too bad.
  18. I believe it was taken down. I unfortunately had to take it down. Someone (think it was someone on TSN Radio) tipped off ticketmaster and they made it more difficult to extract the numbers. I don't really have time to play cat and mouse with Ticketmaster, so I just shut it down.
  19. Yea, TSN Go is a giant middle finger to those of us west of Ontario.
  20. I hate how Rod Black calls every roughing penalty "Rough Play". Rough Play is a DQ penalty.
  21. That's not really true. They've been without a contract for over a year while the BC government has been yanking them around. The BC supreme court even ruled that the government's negotiation tactics were unconstitutional.
  22. Hudak is a complete tool. Not a surprising result considering the stigma the NDP has.
  23. Has anyone been able to get the video player on TSN working on a Mac? I've tried Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, and none of them seem to work.
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