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Everything posted by RagingIce

  1. Well, Lewis is about 2x the size of Etienne...
  2. That is definitely true. This is 100% because LaPo was a nice guy whereas Mack wasn't relatable (wasn't in the media much, and didn't make knee-jerk moves to appease fans).
  3. Considering our previous GM, I gotta go with the second option.
  4. I'm not ready to throw Mack under the bus yet. He's done a great job finding talent and our Canadian talent is the best it's been in recent memory. The stains on his tenure so far are mostly the coaching in my opinion (I think the QBs he's found have been decent, but our offensive coordinators have been awful)
  5. Simpson... He's gotta score one of these weeks heh.
  6. Goin with the Goltz man
  7. Cornish for the win!
  8. awww yeeeea. My shadenfreude is in full swing right now
  9. Goltz's stats were decent, but we still had a lot of two and outs in the second half, so it's not like he's our saviour (our offence only generated 3 points in the second half up until that touchdown in the last minute of play). That said, I'd still like to see him start next week.
  10. Alex Hall tonight: Hopefully Ricky Ray doesn't get a concussion...
  11. Lets go with Cornish
  12. I thought TSN Radio did argos broadcasts.
  13. It really is quite grating. Nothing worse than having "Rider Nation" shoved down your throat every broadcast.
  14. Let's see, Argos land Ricky Ray in quite possibly the worst trade in CFL history last year for the home-town grey cup. It appears the league is continuing the favouritism. /conspiracynut
  15. Like 3 questionable calls on that saskabush drive. The DB has just as much right to catch that ball as the receiver.
  16. Andrew Harris
  17. Heh, for all the complaining about Pierce, Tate has probably missed more games than him these last few years.
  18. Fantuz is injured, so changing my pick to CJ Gable.
  19. and Calgary gets shut out in the second half.
  20. Heh, the old pairings balanced the stupid between the two teams, but the stupidity is far too concentrated when Suiter and Black broadcast together.
  21. Calgary's defence has been AWFUL this game.
  22. Where are all the people screaming for Tate now Tate is more injury prone than Buck.
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