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Everything posted by RagingIce

  1. The All-Star game is useless. I don't understand why the big four sports insist on having them.
  2. Hmmm, an either or mentality where the Bombers come in last. And to think Miller has concerns over putting these two events so close together. What a fool. The Grey Cup isn't selling out here either way. It will sell out
  3. Meh, let them fight it out. Doesn't affect the Bombers or the province.
  4. Chris Matthews! Way to go man!
  5. Looked like a broken arm - I sure hope it isn't though.
  6. Can we bench pavelec for like a month now? All the guy does is let in goals
  7. Is there any proof that the Government took out a loan specifically for the stadium? If not, then they would've spent the money anyway, and no extra cost was incurred and no interest would have been recouped.
  8. I suppose you could argue that, but you could argue the same with any other money the government has spent. No one's paying interest on any other infrastructure costs and we certainly don't count interest in the cost of projects when the government is in deficit.
  9. The Bombers aren't paying down the full loan, they're just paying down the $85 million. The $10M loan from CIBC has nothing to do with the taxpayers (other than potential impact on the Bombers ability to repay the $85M), and any interest paid on the $85M isn't a taxpayer cost - the Province lent $85M to the Bombers, not $85 + interest. No one said the Bombers are paying down the full loan. The $10 mil CIBC loan means the $85 Mil repayment gets pushed back which means accruing extra interest. $85 million over 45 years at 4% compounded semi-annually, one payment per year is about 4.9 Mil per year. If the Bombers weren't paying interest, then the payment would be less than $2 Mil (1.889 * 45 = 85) per year, so no they didn't get an interest free loan. It doesn't matter which level of government is paying the interest on the rest of the money, it's still a taxpayer cost. I didn't say they got an interest free loan, I just said that interest isn't a taxpayer cost. The government didn't take out a loan, they loaned the money to the Bombers.
  10. The Bombers aren't paying down the full loan, they're just paying down the $85 million. The $10M loan from CIBC has nothing to do with the taxpayers (other than potential impact on the Bombers ability to repay the $85M), and any interest paid on the $85M isn't a taxpayer cost - the Province lent $85M to the Bombers, not $85 + interest.
  11. I thought the Bombers only owed $85 million of the total? Meaning the interest calculations should only be on the $85M Also, why is Broadbeck talking about interest as if it's an additional cost to the taxpayer. It's the province charging the Bombers/PoloPark development money in exchange for the loan - it's not like the Province would have spent that interest money considering the stadium money would have been spent elsewhere and not invested. EDIT: they do. Broadbeck being his usual self I see.
  12. trouba/enstrom, buff/chiarot, bogo/stuart in my opinion.
  13. overtime losses to Pittsburgh, Boston, and now Anaheim. Jets can definitely hold their own with the class of the league.
  14. Heard on TSN1290 that one of the Stamps said that they could have caught him, but wanted them to run down the clock. No way any of the Stamps catch him.
  15. So this makes how many OCs that Durant has turfed? like 5?
  16. As long as he catches it, right? Not fair for you to comment on that though as I can't watch it,,,,,, most Jet games are blacked out here in Kelowna…in Kelowna for H sakes! Oh well, back to the Chicago-Anaheim game for me. This works for whatever I want to watch. Hope it works for you: http://livetv.sx/en/ if you have some technical expertise, you can get higher quality streams on http://reddit.com/r/nhlstreams in the stickied post. (NOTE: not strictly legal)
  17. TBH, I'd settle for a Canadian QB making backup. The closest we've had in recent memory is Sinopoli in Calgary at 3rd string.
  18. Also, if Sportsnet could arse themselves to figure out how Kroeker is pronounced, that would be great...
  19. is he not draft eligible?
  20. The CFL should scrap the PI challenge next year. I would be OK with it if it was only used automatically as a part of the review on TDs and Turnovers, but the coach's challenge has turned into a joke this year.
  21. We're the only stadium in the league to my knowledge that has ads on it. Well, a bunch have physical ads beside their boards like we used to, but agreed.
  22. Bombers should take note of how Hamilton does their Jumbotron. Using the whole thing for footage looks glorious.
  23. "From AC to JC" ugh
  24. What a game. Too bad Yantz is done
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