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Everything posted by RagingIce

  1. With Rod Black, the answer is always yes.
  2. Hydro is a crown corp - they can't *take* from it because it's already government money. Also as a percentage of our GDP, our transfer payments have been decreasing.
  3. The notion that conservatives are better at balancing budgets is pure bunk. http://www.progressive-economics.ca/2011/04/29/fiscal-record-of-canadian-political-parties/ You should refrain from making baseless accusations about people (re: NDP puppet). She leans left - that doesn't make her a "puppet" I was remarking on OUR NDP who took over a balanced budget from Filmon. The NDP ran a surplus from '04 to '09, so I disagree that the MB NDP can't balance a budget. I couldn't find data prior to that, so if you have some sources, I would appreciate it. I'm willing to give some leniency about the recent budgets due to the global recession and the fact that Manitoba had two catastrophic floods at the same time. It's not like the federal government is doing any better and they're "conservative".
  4. The notion that conservatives are better at balancing budgets is pure bunk. http://www.progressive-economics.ca/2011/04/29/fiscal-record-of-canadian-political-parties/ You should refrain from making baseless accusations about people (re: NDP puppet). She leans left - that doesn't make her a "puppet"
  5. Well it is broadbeck after all. How this guy still has a job is beyond me.
  6. Got Smash Bros on the 3DS. I love this game and can't wait for the WiiU version.
  7. Winnipeg clearly needs to raise taxes - the property tax freeze Katz enacted is one of the large reasons we're running such a large infrastructure deficit. Taxes aren't a bad thing, they allow us to live in a civilized society - the conservative handwringing about taxes is a major reason Winnipeg has such a regressive stance on city planning. It's embarrassing to be honest. I'm not the biggest fan of JWL - I would prefer someone with a more ambitious vision, but given the alternatives of Bowman and Steeves, there really isn't any other option. And let's be clear - she's a large step up from Katz.
  8. Yep, prairie dogs are carriers. Fortunately, anti-biotics pretty much render it pretty much impotent (well much more than in the middle ages).
  9. J) I make a second run to the LC.
  10. I believe the standard is that the receiver has control of the ball (i.e. there's no fixed number of steps). The ball didn't even wobble once he caught it. That should have been ruled a fumble IMO.
  11. Schmoes pitching a shutout into the 4th... wow.
  12. who do I root for on this game? I hate the riders more, but they have the tie break on us, so it's not likely that we'll catch them.
  13. Yea, Burris has definitely not been himself this year.
  14. common east, complete the sweep
  15. Probably the same place they got the idea that Rod Black is a decent play-by-play guy.
  16. to be fair, we've made the same excuse in the past.
  17. So does Schultzie ever actually talk about football? It seems like every game he's doing his pop-psych schtick.
  18. It's a beatdown in cowtown. ooh, I could write for Rod Black.
  19. stamps may be overrated... or do the argos just like laying down one beat down on each western team?
  20. our game is so late. I'm practically pacing.
  21. I'm with Climie on this (lol that's a first) - Outside of Winnipeg, Calgary and Saskatchewan, the offences have been terrible this year.
  22. Wouldn't be a TSN broadcast without them hyping the rider fanbase.
  23. I'm fine giving up 300 yards of offense. We win this game if not for poor reffing and our special teams shitting the bed.
  24. Yup, that's all she wrote for Lulay. Buck Pierce 2.0 unfortunately.
  25. First two are a block to the side which is legal, and the third one wasn't even a block. They both decelerate and the rider loses his footing.
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