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Everything posted by MOBomberFan

  1. Let tear through these Argos like a chainsaw through a Sharknado
  2. I do enjoy statistics. Let's hope Bucks have a change in trend. No point in pining over Elliott now, he's long gone and won't be coming back. I just really wanted to move on from Buck after 2012, and I thought Elliott was going to be the one who helped us do it. Maybe it will be Goltz or Hall. Literally nobody knows.
  3. Third worst QB rating in the league, and least TDs thrown by a starter. http://cfl.ca/statistics/league/stat/Passing/year/2013/type/reg
  4. Jeez. Okay, I'm not a coach, you got me. Let's at least go with 'correctable' flaws. To be more specific I was referring to trying to force the ball in the redzone like his life was depending on a passing TD, as we saw in his 4 INT game against Calgary. And then it looked like he was just trying to be a hero in a close game, and otherwise had some real success til he reached the redzone. Maybe a young QB in what, his tenth start.. a bit overeager to make the big play when there are safer options? Is it wrong to thing that sort of thing can be corrected through coaching and experience? You can't coach a guy to be taller or faster, but you can coach him to play smarter... All I'm sure is with my untrained eye I saw that there was talent there, I figure he just needed more experience and first team reps and all that good stuff. I've watched the same games as you, and I saw Joey drive up and down the field. He moved around in the pocket and kept his eyes down field. He could make quick decisions. He moved the ball, and that's something we need a lot more of now. Oh, and he showed a lot of moxy too.
  5. I hear you, but that's all correctable. Joey had some real drive, he could move the ball, and showed confidence in the way he played (for better or for worse). He didn't throw a tight spiral every time, he didn't spot every open receiver, and he wasn't speedy... but **** me if he didn't get first downs when we needed them.
  6. One big difference between the two is that Joey Elliott has his whole career ahead of him at the age of 26. Buck Pierces best days are more than likely behind him at 31 going on 32. If Buck were a better player he would be able to put Joey Elliott's stats to shame. It doesn't look like that's the direction he's headed, however. My initial surprise that we cut Joey has evolved into utter disappointment. Buck is done, and he's got the whole season to prove it from Burke's comments and apparent lack of faith in the backups. If only we had an up-and-comer, maybe a 2 time POTW award winner to hand the controls over to.
  7. We could have Jordan Taormina blocking for Bloi-Dei Dorzon. At least our receivers are promising, if nothing else yet.
  8. I'm at least a little excited to see who, if anyone, steps up in a big way.
  9. You might even call him a 'turnover machine' based on those numbers. I don't fault Buck for every one of those INT's over that span of time, but then there are some really really bad ones in there, too.
  10. Wow... part of me is hoping Sheets blows a tire on the opening drive, just for the collective face-palm that would result from it.
  11. I suspect MTL will smooth out some of the wrinkles and get their offence back on track. It's hard to imagine Calvillo having another bad game, and the CGY defense is nothing to write home about right now. I expect MTL to come out on top by more than a touchdown. That and I could use a good game from Calvillo and Brandon London so that someone can take the wind (read: hot air) out of Blutos sails in our league.
  12. I'd love to move on from Pierce, but not with an unproven commodity in the wings. Someone needs to prove they are the next guy, or we need to make a trade somehow for an established vet. Til then it's Buck or bust, right up to his inevitable season ending injury.
  13. I liked Melissa Martin's piece on Demond Washington. I think she is a freelance writer... maybe someone here could get a piece in the paper. How awesome would Odds and Sods be in a sidebar of the sports section!
  14. Check the history on Dr. CFL. Same **** as always. Lol
  15. Caught on camera, and witnessed by 33000 on attendance without the aid of hd tv or slow no replay. OT was a very costly and very ill timed non-call. Pivotal in the end.
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