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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Who was the guy that punched our player in the balls? Was it Murphy?
  2. Fav Bomber... Obby Khan because he was the nicest guy that I've met on the team. Walby and Gorrell also were extremely nice guys when I met them as well. Least favorite ... I'm sure we had some terrible guys over the years (off the field) purely based on play I would say Jason Boltus and for being a bad guy I'd go with Colin Scrivener. Honorable mentions goes to Troy Westwood and Wade Miller taking all those damn penalties Rod Hill also was a big a-hole when he was my boss and by far the worst person I met from the club.
  3. Closing for good? I'm surprised they didn't just go with a smaller kiosk, rent at food courts is stupid expensive.
  4. All the cheap shot artists in the last 15 years ... no respect for any of them.
  5. Can we exclude Darian Durant as least favourite Bomber just to make this somewhat interesting as I'm sure everyone will pick his name
  6. What I read was that the sister was mentally unstable and even the mother said she's made previous false claims of this before and that she needs help.
  7. Brandon Banks is definitely not one of my favorite non Bombers......
  8. Ricky Ray was infuriating as it seemed like the guy could always find the open receiver and drop it perfectly into his hands. After years of guys like Brink skipping the ball into the dirt it was very hard to watch Ray beautifully lay it into a receivers hands in stride.
  9. I will disagree... I found a lot of Durant's success was him hucking the ball in the air and his receivers making big plays for him. When the receivers wouldn't make the plays he struggled.
  10. I think they are as bad as CNN and Fox. It never used to be like that though.
  11. Lol well when they leave out critical facts I disagree. As I said before it's an ongoing joke on reddit whenever CBC reports (mainly on crime). CBC clearly has an agenda which if it were privately owned then good for them... I'd be thrilled if the CBC was shut down at this point as it's so corrupt and for the most part absolute garbage. I'd be saddened that Canada loses some identity but also happy that the citizens wouldn't be brainwashed with the lies they put out.
  12. I wish that he would of continued his previous show where he dressed up as a bunch of different funny characters and made fun of the Americans. He could of had so much more fun with everything going on in the last year.
  13. They had more then enough talent to have a better record.
  14. Anyone who has read CBC in the last several years can clearly see a huge difference in reporting from before. Locally CBC is always misleading and click baiting with articles not telling the full truth. A huge slant and bias for the Liberals. I do not trust them at all, on Winnipeg reddit it's a running joke about CBC and how terrible it is these days. Great example was a few weeks back when the police took down the crazy guy on drugs in Winnipeg... all other media outlets posted the full story originally explaining how the man was on drugs had weapons etc.... meanwhile CBC posted POLICE BRUTALITY and completely left out the whole story and made it seem like the police randomnly took down an innocent man and put the beats on him for no reason. Only after CBC was shamed and people ragged on them that they retracted and posted the complete story. Do not trust CBC at all... extremely corrupt and to quote Trump "fake news".
  15. Clearly we don't know what happened in the locker room and if the players followed game plans or not. Purely looking at him during games when he was down he looked completely lost. Not even angry or frustrated... just had that empty look in his eyes.
  16. Back in the day how can you not admire watching Gizmo or Pinball both super entertaining guys to watch play.
  17. With a beautiful house like that you would think they could afford paying security to muscle protesters off the property? Also I suggest mods move all BLM / Trump / American Politics posts into the proper threads.... it seems like you can't surf anywhere on this site without each thread going down the toilet with the same kind of posts.
  18. They can always bring back the Gliebermen family
  19. I disagree I find that the overall talent level of a player determines whether a player has a death sentence or not.
  20. Team can do whatever they want IMO, if it doesn't follow the culture of the club then cut them. That being said I do find this league can be weird where a guy like this is cut, but other guys who have history of beating women, drugs, other crimes are kept on the team...
  21. This thread confuses me.... if the season is outright cancelled are they re-drawing for the pick?
  22. https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/mobile/semi-crash-leaves-winnipeg-road-covered-in-french-fries-1.5001047 Anyone for some road poutine!
  23. Article is from CBC..... without Trudeau in charge they will be out of business. I'll believe it more so when other non bias media outlet publish similar findings.
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