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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I love how many people are jumping back on the bandwagon I do find this funny.... I'm glad we won the last two games... but I will be more impressed when they start making the right decisions..... such as replacing players who clearly suck after a few games rather the keeping them around for a full season before making the move.
  2. But they did bomb the ball in the 2nd half... a few key drops , a few bad penalties and a bad run by Harris killed most of our drives.
  3. I can see Kane getting a decent but lesser return then what we got for him. He's worth more then just a 3rd rounder.
  4. Loffler had a nice game but he only got the pick because the ball bounced off of Fogg's head. IMO on defense Fogg had the best game. Denmark for sure coming in on a few days notice played solid.
  5. But he wasn't passive though.... first play in the 2nd half was a bomb down the sideline that Kohlert (or it may have been Adams) missed on. Same goes with Harris on 2nd and short he blew the easy first down by trying to get greedy and bouncing it out to the side and then taking a loss on the run. I don't think the play calling was bad in the 2nd half... the execution should of been more clean. A few drops by Adams and Kohlert killed drives. Throughout the game I thought Nicholls made mostly good plays, two balls could of been picked but aside from that most of those balls were placed in areas that receivers could of made the catch.
  6. Also needed some import O-line guys....
  7. I was blown away that they didn't pull Masoli early on... his passes in the first half were atrocious. We missed out on a few more ints. He also was helped out big time by Tolliver making shoe string catches and Fantuz making touch catches on terrible throws.
  8. Wasn't Popp the guy who found Trestman.... as a GM Popp has done fantastic...
  9. I'm not a huge fan of the Willy... but in fairness Nichols had much more protection then what Willy has had over the last 3 seasons. Nicholls managed the game, didn't do anything special on his own but for the most part made the right decisions.
  10. Mad Max had a bunch of reshoots... the reason they had reshoots was because the studio was amazed at how awesome the movie looked and wanted more bigger and badder action scenes....
  11. TSN keeps showing the stadium and it has tonnes of lightning.... could they not play tomorrow?
  12. Lots of lightning in the North East area of town where I'm at.....
  13. Cancelled or does the game get postponed until tomorrow?
  14. Holy crap I thought you were joking...Only 32 and only two years since he's been out of the league. Had success with Lapo here....sign the man!
  15. Weak example... Moore was injury prone,Denmarr was replaced by better talent and Argula sucked and was upgraded.
  16. I've lost track of the Als qb list... Do they still have Crompton and a few others?
  17. It's not even close.... It's a landslide favoring the Jets and it would be a miracle if the trade ever favours the Sabres.
  18. Can we safely now say that we absolutely pillaged the Sabres in that trade? Perhaps Buffalo can send a ticket to Wheeler to straighten out Kane...again...
  19. Why does BC have such ugly uniforms this season
  20. Black sure loves his Cahoon, Stala and Bowling......
  21. I see a lot of similarities between Nate's hate for Lyle Bauer to being the same as Floyd's hate for Mike.....
  22. 2 passes in a row that should of been picked and returned for big yards...
  23. Whoa I read this sentence way to fast and picked out the wrong words..... Hilarious story though... I don't believe a water fountain can be charged with sexual assault lol.
  24. Nicholls played better then any game Willy played this season. Clearly Willy is the starter of this team... but I still sit him for a few weeks. Willy needs to stop playing Buck Pierce deer in the head lights scared and needs to wake up. It was nice watching sustained drives and most of the passes being tossed near the receiver so that they could make the play for the catch.
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