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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Would be inclined to say you're dead on. I don't hate the signing, he looks intriguing at worst but I would just expect we would be able to do better than a guy whose most recent athletic endeavor was a varsity baseball team. And the all might Buono brought in Jyles who was doing exactly what last year?
  2. Also this is great for us and bad for Glenn.... Unless Edmonton ponies up the money where else can he go?
  3. So can people stop saying Wally is a qb genius please?
  4. Agreed he will be still wanted at the dead line...
  5. Wasn't Kane around the top 5 guys available from the trade deadline? I think he does have a lot of stock still.
  6. Did you know Setoguchi also had a 30 goal season and several 20 plus goal seasons...should he be paid 6 million? Lol your point isn't really valid.Sometimes players like Devon simply decline... Kane I think has one more season before the Jets give up on him. He's almost a bust and 6 mill is way to much for a third liner You can't bank on potential for ever...
  7. No kidding aside from the Blue most teams are loaded with veterans ..
  8. Do we know how much they gave to these older players? Doesn't other teams also have to pay older players? Doesn't it make sense to have more experienced guys for an expansion team?
  9. Aside from Burris who have they signed?
  10. Crappy, I'm not familiar with all of this as I'm under 40 and therefore never listen to the radio. It's unfortunate that the CFL isn't big enough to have anything remotely as good as the NFL where you get news and chatter online , on tv and on satellite radio....
  11. Then why don't more people actually score 30 goals? Because they pass the puck. How come Wheeler , Little, Ladd have 20 - 30 more points and they each have more goals then Kane despite taking much less shots? How come they have to keep rotating line mates for Kane ? The kid has talent but he definitely needs to step up his game and he clearly is not earning his money. A 3rd line winger should not make that much cashola....
  12. Essensa saved our butts many a times back in the day.
  13. I hate to somewhat agree with Nate but even my wife who doesn't watch a lot of hockey knows that Kane will either Skate with the puck get pinched and feign injury as he slides into the corner Take a pointless shot rather then making the pass to start the cycle Someone will give him a decent pass and he ends up wiring it over the net. He's extremely predictable.
  14. As I said before .... When you take a bazillion shots you probably will score 30 goals. If all Wheeler , Little , Ladd only took a shot on net every time they had the puck then they would also all have 30 goals but much less assists. Kane would be worth the money if he could pass the puck. What was funny in the last game was Paddy made some nice dekes before setting up the goal. The next two shifts Kane tried to do the same thing and gave up the puck rather then doing the smart thing and pass the puck.... I don't care what he does off the ice, I'm more disappointed in his regression. If he passed the puck maybe he could be a point a game person who could play on the top line.
  15. I miss the fact that at least once a game he would break a big one when he should of been stopped at the line.
  16. Well then they should move the sports to FM then. Its impossible to listen with such a choppy bad format. Also if it's I'm the license then how can they broadcast the games without the breaks? Its just to bad they can't have a nice format like on espn radio where they can actually sustain a conversation.
  17. Its unfortunate that the Blue are not popular enough to have a dedicated proper call in show with actual discussion of the team during the week and post game. Its hilarious listening to the non stop commercials on cjob and in between commercials they manage to squeeze in a few seconds of actual football content.
  18. Yikes another bad night for Pavs.... 2 bad goals yet again. I don't see how Beyak can be such a homer for Pav... Lawless clearly has a target on him and I imagine he will be the storyline for a lot more articles in the Free Press.
  19. He was awful last year, decent this year.... I can't see him making a huge pay day. He would be getting maybe around the 3 million mark if a team was desperate.....
  20. He was much more motivated when it was his contact year.
  21. Olli at a pay cut is a possibility... Who really will pay him 4.5 million anymore? Also doesn't his family live in town? I'd offer him a longer contract at a pay cut and see if he'd take that
  22. I didn't get a chance to watch the game tonight.... but I checked and it was 4-1 and literally 20 minutes later I read that we lose 5-4? Was it on Pav or a complete collapse by the team in the 3rd?
  23. In his three years in Winnipeg he seems to be regressing which is a bad sign. I'd give up on him if we could get value in return.
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