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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I'm guessing Will Ford goes to the Riders now?
  2. Well at 71 I wouldn't want a coach to run the team, but for monitoring 3 guys I don't think the age is an issue.
  3. This is very good news , specially for inexperienced guys like Goltz and Willy. It can only help so good hire
  4. I don't know if it was always luck, the Als have had great o lines and great depth for many years.
  5. And I was the one who was being called ignorant a few weeks back????
  6. Considering nearly every team has found multiple rbs over the course of the last 20 years I don't get your point? Even when we had guys like Bernard they still managed to get 5 yards a carry. Just think... when was the last time you have seen any CFL team struggle to find a starting rb??
  7. Easily, I knew a girl who suffered a seizure while driving down Lag and she blacked out and went off road and smashed into a building. She had zero indications prior to this incident of her having any kind of medical problems. It could happen to anybody. She was not charged and it wouldn't make any sense to charge her since this would be considered "an act of god".
  8. No doubt that's insane... I'd be curious to find out how someone could do this. I'm guessing the driver had some kind of medical situation and blacked out.
  9. What's the deal with Anton MCKenzie trade?
  10. Maybe the pics symbolized on how frail and brittle Nichols is?
  11. In theory, yes he probably could. Just haven't seen it yet. Yes we did...until he got hurt. The guy is plenty good enough And I'd rather that extra money go to Glenn or McCune
  12. I lol'd with all the Boatmen references... why isn't that guy cut yet?
  13. It can't be as bad as Baresi, Cartwright, Kelly, Burke,Creehan and Crowton...
  14. Hang on, I think I have a screenshot of our chat sessions during the Bomber games...*cough*hypocrite*cough* I think we're all like that from time to time. During Bomber games over the last two seasons I don't hold any of the complaints of any of the members. I remember the moment when Burke took the knee... At that point I think every fan was seeing blood lol.
  15. Donovan Alexander gets burned all of the time, he is always out of place and is awful. I'd rather bring in Ian Logan back over him.
  16. He's garbage a big no. Cauchy is definitely better then him and that's not saying much.
  17. I'm pretty sure the riders aren't really concerned about losing a punter... The loss of Dressler on the other hand is huge and probably forced Taman to od on footlongs...
  18. We did no such thing, he retired on his own terms which I respect enormously. Did he really though.... Why wouldn't he of retired before the dispersal draft then.... We could of kept Miles potentially had he done that.
  19. Wow so much nitpicking and cry babies on here. It seems like a good chunk of people on here are having some kind of off season PMS.
  20. Perhaps my memories are tainted with his constant crying to the refs and half efforts going to the ball in the last two years. Maybe this is good that we are shedding the old players and bringing in new blood from winning teams.
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