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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. There's nothing racist about his tweets. I did not dig in because twitter is dumb and his posts were just hurting my eyes trying to read them. I assume we will go elsewhere at receiver since it's a position that's easy to recruit.
  2. Edwards I dont think was as good as guys like Stegall, Gordon, Armstrong, Simon, Bruce Etc... Im not saying he was bad, I just didn't think he was elite like the guys I mentioned above. He really shined when he wasn't the main guy going up against double coverage and the best players on the oppositions defense.
  3. Reading this guys twitter is bizarre and the guy definitely seems off.... also doesn't help that he has several racist stuff in his past tweets. Maybe some of the twitter nerds can ask him straight up if he's planning to come back or not?
  4. KD Williams definitely started with the Blue and was absolutely a wrecking ball on the field. I remember going to many games and the PA announcer would be calling his name out on nearly every play ... the guy definitely took over some games and the opposition definitely had to gameplan around him he was absolutely a beast when he played with us. McCune for our MLB is a smart safe move.... considering we just lost an all star and the team has no identity and has gone through so many years with so many new players coming and going... it would be nice to have a guy on defense who is above average and who will be able to be productive from game 1. His age means nothing considering how fantastic in shape he is, he will be a good stop gap for one or two seasons. I'd rather they bring in rookies as depth rather then starters....
  5. I like how people are way over analyzing what Kels is saying... My advice to Kels.... if you are talking about a player that a Bomber fan would hate and/or is a definite "crappy" player then you use Lumbering. If it's about a guy you are trying to pump up and/or a former Bomber player who people adored then you use the word Steamroll.... I.E. Sellers. Lavoie is still unproven but he may be a very versatile guy *if* healthy. I wouldn't compare him to any big names at all at this point though. He's definitely the type of player that Ottawa should take a risk with because he may be very productive at a very cheap price and could help them out ratio wise. At this point I definitely wouldn't be going gaga over him... that would be very Rod Black'esque going crazy over a Montreal player who had one or two big games and then go off about them for the next 2 years... I.E Bo Bowling....
  6. The original mascot looked like Kevin Glenn but they changed their minds and went with an even older more experienced version. I did some research and you are 100% correct... apparently Ottawa decided to throw a tonne of money on a quick fix redesign and came up with this... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  7. I'm always a sucker for CFL gossip, but I would bet this last year was a doozy in terms of the crap that went on in that locker room. I'd really like to hear the dirt from Hall and Goltz and maybe Elliott as well from the year prior.... it would be very very interesting stuff. As for Edwards.... he was a very good player... wouldn't say he was elite. He was the perfect 3rd option receiver but didn't quite take it over when Milt retired and when he had to step up and be the #1 guy. Overall though a very good career with the Blue and at least he went out without any huge injuries like Lewis. He definitely would be a perfect TC coach to help teach the receivers on how to plead to refs that they were being interfered with.
  8. And Tate then traded to the Peg !I'm going to personally buy you a blow up doll and tape Tate's head to it and you can go to town. Maybe then you'll shut up about him. I was told by jbr that all gay jokes are unacceptable. This was an ignorant comment towards all men who are born with a fetish of banging blow up dolls in the mouth.Ftr I think Tate would fit nicely in Ottawa with Burris that would be awesome watching them fight. I realise your feelings are hurt and ego bruised since you quickly found that few if any people share your ignorant perspective. But stop digging. You're only making yourself look more foolish. You should *choose* to shut up. Coming from a guy who promotes 120 lbs kids wrasslin in front of 20 people I don't really think you can be the judge of who looks foolish or not. Regardless *if* Calgary for some reason re acquired Glenn I would assume they would dump Tate based on the fact that they believe BLM is the future and since they re upped both he and Tate's contract financially it wouldn't make sense to keep all three. I would take as a back up purely based on the fact that he's more talented then Max Hall. Back to the original subject (kind of) - Didn't Calgary have Glenn, Tate & BLM on contract for the last two years? It has served them well - I wouldn't expect a change from that philosophy. I think Tate and BLM re upped with bigger contacts during the off season.
  9. I think they will be better then the 2013 Blue Bombers
  10. I think he still can play in the league, good move for Ottawa. I also hope they overpaid for him
  11. Is Wylie still available to be the o line coach?
  12. Don't they do this every year though?
  13. I assume the contract is not finalized?
  14. And Tate then traded to the Peg !I'm going to personally buy you a blow up doll and tape Tate's head to it and you can go to town. Maybe then you'll shut up about him. I was told by jbr that all gay jokes are unacceptable. This was an ignorant comment towards all men who are born with a fetish of banging blow up dolls in the mouth.Ftr I think Tate would fit nicely in Ottawa with Burris that would be awesome watching them fight. I realise your feelings are hurt and ego bruised since you quickly found that few if any people share your ignorant perspective. But stop digging. You're only making yourself look more foolish. You should *choose* to shut up. Coming from a guy who promotes 120 lbs kids wrasslin in front of 20 people I don't really think you can be the judge of who looks foolish or not. Regardless *if* Calgary for some reason re acquired Glenn I would assume they would dump Tate based on the fact that they believe BLM is the future and since they re upped both he and Tate's contract financially it wouldn't make sense to keep all three. I would take as a back up purely based on the fact that he's more talented then Max Hall.
  15. Not much different from the Burke needing to review film to see what went wrong responses
  16. Classy. I remember when we first got Burke and JJ was singing his praises. In fairness Burke was a great pickup... I don't think anyone could predict how badly he turned out as a hc.
  17. Wally has an unreal ability to produce Quarterbacks, if Lulay gets hurt I'm sure Ricky Ray 2.0 will be right there to step in. Because DeMarco, pierce, champion, Jackson are all Ricky Ray level of talent. The fact that they took Bomber scraps for their depth doesn't really show me that Buono has it anymore.
  18. Considering we wasted money on Boltus last year... Who cares if we overpaid for anything! As for Stegall, Brown and Edwards as coaches a big no way IMO. All three guys have big egos and after listening to Brown and Stegall they are awful at breaking down plays and games. Just because you can play doesnt mean you can coach.
  19. I give up someone make a list of what is allowed to be joked upon and what is not. Are we still allowed to call Friesen a troll or does that offend all lark and DND fans? Can we crack fat jokes or make fun of rider fans even? Because its not there fault that there uncle dads hooked up there mom cousins?
  20. Phoenix still has its team and ticket sales are already down. So I was correct.
  21. To add fuel to this fire every true Catholic person would think you guys are ignorant. So who is right in this debate? IMO who the f cares , get over yourself
  22. Lol I knew that would ruffle your feathers. I was going to wrap it up with using MJ as an example of a guy trying to be a little white girl who choose to like little boys but I didn't want to come off ignorant towards fans of 80s pop music icons
  23. I'd have no problem cutting Edwards for Moore. This is a great signing for us, he's a guy on the upswing and has lots of things going for him. Great move by the Blue. So far thumbs up this year to Walters. Acquiring McCune or anyone else who can start would be gravy. We can hopefully draft a good o line guy who can start for is this year.
  24. You're right. There is no difference between judging people on their character, personality, judgement and poor management/writing and judging people based solely on elements of their humanity that they don't control like gender, race and sexuality. You can have sex changes, change your outward appearance and you can choose your sexual preferences at any time. Your points are invalid.Lots of people took personal shots at Kelly. How many fat jokes were cracked about Lawless. What Roberts and his personal life decisions we mocked in the past. Maybe he couldn't help chasing big girls and smoking all the time. in your world these people didn't choose to be the way they are.
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