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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. bahahahah they can suck it then, nobody is paying that price. He will be cut then and it will be a free for all which we may be able to win.
  2. Any guesses on the lb coach? Wasn't a former Bomber lber guest coaching during tc last year?
  3. You are correct. Just because someone has played doesn't mean he can coach.
  4. Maybe at this point he doesn't want you start and would take a cushy job in a place like bc where he can stay warm
  5. I'd think obby would make a fantastic o line coach, a loyal man and a true warrior in the field.
  6. Back on topic please! I'm shocked that they would delete any threads, the site is pretty quiet these days and I'd be surprised if it's even around next year.
  7. No teams? Are you sure? @News1130Sports: #BCLions gm Wally Buono admits he does not have a solid CFL back-up qb - that's why he has held talks with Ottawa about Kevin Glenn. Crap, well looks like he'll be going out to BC which would be a much safer and better fit for him. On a good note this means Joey Elliott can come back home to Winnipeg and 17to85 can rejoice the saviour of Elliott!
  8. Remember they signed DeAngelis to take over :/ hopefully the new kid can do a good job
  9. Most people think he's an idiot for paying ONE MILLION dollars for Burris. I think Cauchy + draft pick would be a very good offer for Glenn. I only can see BC really stepping up to making a offer for him.
  10. Let's get him. Though I'd rather just wait and get him for free. Is there any garbage we can give OTT so they trade? I think EDM will be in the mix.... We should of traded Sims Walker for him
  11. This is a solid pick up for the Redblacks....
  12. I would not be opposed, he could take over for MB *if* things don't work out. Plus I could always go for the temper tantrums and hair pulling out antics of DB.
  13. I'd rather have Doug Berry back over Burke....
  14. I disagree that speed is not important. We often talk about QBs having 'zip' on the ball. It helps to prevent interceptions if you have some speed and accuracy, which it looks like Willy has. Hall is accurate but has no speed on his throws beyond 10-12 yards. Having speed on your throws doesn't make someone a good QB, but if can help. I guess what I should've said is that the FASTEST pass speed is meaningless. I agree you need to throw fast, as that article mentions, if you're under 54 mph you're basically given no chance in the NFL. Who throws the fastest is just a fun blurb stat, though. Just to get back on topic after that fun interlude. While I agree fast does not matter a whole lot, fitting the ball into tight windows requires timely release, leading the receiver, being accurate and some ZIP. While zip is nice, touch is also important and knowing when to take something off a throw to get over the linebackers or on fade routes is equally important. Drew Willy has both of those traits and the zip required to hit out routes on the wider Canadian field is very noticeable in guys that don't have zip as the ball ends up in their end zone. Can't wait until June, hope we fix the line by then. Go Bombers! A positive comment... so refreshing to read!! I sure hope Willy airs it out and has many big games for us!
  15. Why no threads created about the signing last week then? I just didn't really get around to it. Ok Colin LOL
  16. Kind of weird that they did this so late? Its to bad we lost Miles and kept him.
  17. Why no threads created about the signing last week then?
  18. We have some weird and bad fans, who would wish that this league lose a team? IMO I would be very happy if every team sold out every game and filled the stands.
  19. Burris, Reilly,Collaros ,Tate,Smith,Durant all have big arms.
  20. QB's here are here for a reason because there is some sort of disclaimer. You aren't going to find a passer in the CFL that doesn't have flaws.It's really funny to me that people seem to think we keep missing out on these nfl calibre rocket armed superstars. They don't exist in our cfl, period. The nfl gobbles them all up and if they ain't playing they rot to death on a PR and still make more then starters here..It's the way it is and will continue to be unless we somehow get a franchise tag option or something to entice a second or third stringer to pass on the nfl for cfl. I think the problem is that we had (have) a bunch of guys with complete noodle arms who simply can't make the plays unless they have fantastic protection. It would be nice to see somebody actually throw with some zip and be able to complete a 15-20 yard pass in tight coverage. See above. See most other teams who have guys who can throw the ball hard.......
  21. So you want this league to fail?? You sound like a great fan....
  22. QB's here are here for a reason because there is some sort of disclaimer. You aren't going to find a passer in the CFL that doesn't have flaws. It's really funny to me that people seem to think we keep missing out on these nfl calibre rocket armed superstars. They don't exist in our cfl, period. The nfl gobbles them all up and if they ain't playing they rot to death on a PR and still make more then starters here.. It's the way it is and will continue to be unless we somehow get a franchise tag option or something to entice a second or third stringer to pass on the nfl for cfl. I think the problem is that we had (have) a bunch of guys with complete noodle arms who simply can't make the plays unless they have fantastic protection. It would be nice to see somebody actually throw with some zip and be able to complete a 15-20 yard pass in tight coverage.
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