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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Why would you want to bring back any remnants of the key reasons of why we lost quite a bit from the last 2 years back to this new team?? It makes no sense to me at all. We want change and you can't have change if you hang onto the crap that was a main reason on why you were so bad.
  2. Buck was a warrior and had a lot of heart..... this does not mean he would be a great coach. The guy will never go down as a Bomber legend and if we are going to hire coaches purely based on loyalty and or heart then why isn't Chris Walby our O-line coach?? Why isn't Troy Westwood in charge of our special teams? Buck is a good guy, but dear lord he has the stink of failure all around him... this team needs to be cleansed of the horrible last several years and how can you rebuild and renew the team if you bring back guys who helped caused our failures. And before you use the injury excuses or crowton or lapo... remember not how the offense instantly kick started a few years back with Joey Elliott and how last year Max Hall outplayed him despite being a rookie in the CFL. Buck was over rated and wouldn't even be in the top 15 all time Bomber qbs.
  3. Getting back to topic, it's funny because my wife has to go out of the way to find the boxed old dutch bbq chips and whenever I have a get together with my friends the boxed BBQ chips go first and almost instantaneous. I notice a massive difference between the two kinds, the bagged chips taste more ketchupy/hot sauce/salty while the boxed is more of a chipotle/seasoning salt kind of flavour. I find the box to be less spicy and more flavourful while the bag just burns my mouth and I can really only taste the salt. It saddens me because Superstore and Sobeys usually only carry the bags and CO-OP used to have boxes but now switched over to the bags.... I actually have to hunt down for the all mighty boxed BBQ!!
  4. This is the thread of the year !!!!! I thought that I was the only one!!!
  5. Tim Thomas was traded, I was watching trade center all day and it was someone hilarious that Gillis was on the golf course while the rest of the GM's were at arenas or other war rooms. I did enjoy him getting snappy at Farhad Laji (sp?) when he questioned him about Kesler.
  6. Perhaps the offense improved because he was off the field.
  7. or he knew he wasn't going to play and wants to be in Winnipeg with his finance/wife? Sometimes things are less complicated than people make them. I'd love to see them find a role for Pierce on the team. He lost it as a player but as a person he's a good one and he bled blue and gold, gotta love that about him. I wouldn't want him coaching, we need to eliminate the old losing way from the locker room. I'd rather he simply be an ambassador or sell pulled pork in the stands...
  8. I'm sure he was asked nicely by BC to retire , specially after they signed that new guy. We can pretty much guarantee Glenn will be in BC now. Good for him on retiring, it wasn't nice seeing him being crushed and looking spaced out. I don't want him as a coach but he can sure take over for Doug Brown on the radio.
  9. He had some dismal stats in the NFL....but his one preseason appearance against the als tossed for more yards then a typical Goltz game.
  10. One report says he has an average arm another says he has a big arm? Regardless if both gunslingers McManus and Dunigan think highly of him then I'm definitely intrigued. He definitely has a shot at replacing Hall.
  11. I'm sure Ottawa will find a spot for him
  12. Seeing as they're not going to win it all in the next little while and seeing as they already had a capable QB to play while they developed another one, it made no sense to throw that kind of money at a 39 yr. old QB. Far better to spread that money over 2 or even 3 FAs that could have helped their team more than the marginal difference between Henry and Kevin, IMO. How many years were left with Glenn contract and also Burris is much more mobile and durable so I can see the upgrade. QB is the most important part its much more important to sign an elite QB then two or three fringe free agents.
  13. Seems ok if the conditions are reasonable, if he beats out Hall and plays as result of skill (not injuries) then its an ok deal.
  14. that is a good point - he meets all the criteria for Marcel - he's old and would accept being overpaid - and at least would give Hank something to throw to. Same criteria for Taman , maybe he'll go to riderville
  15. Now for Brohm, is he a mobile qb and does he have a normal or noodle arm?
  16. Goltz wasn't that bad, I think a lot of it was because of the coaching and situation he was where out of nowhere he becomes the starter and gets blamed for not performing out of the gate. I'm glad he's gone but I think he had a raw deal similar to Lefors.
  17. Goltz wasn't as bad as Boltus and may have been a bit screwed over by bad coaching. So I hope he gets another shot..... I just won't lose any sleep with him being cut. It also will help remove more negativity from the clubhouse which is good.
  18. How long after he had started taking meds was this person you know guarding him because it can take 4-6 weeks before the meds take full effect and it can take time to find the drug and dosage that works best for a patient. This was when he was being held at the remand center, not sure exactly how long after he was back on meds. I imagine it would fall somewhere in that timeline. As for the police / rcmp.... these days they literally can do jack squat to anyone in any situation. It's a very sad state of affairs when a policeman has to justify why his bullet his a vital organ after a criminal has open fire and unleashed a barrage of bullets at him. Apparently policemen have to either take the bullets and/or wait for the absolute perfect opportunity to shoot the enemy in the leg. Ask any policeman it's brutal being a cop out there these days.... the criminals have way more rights and liberties then what they do.
  19. I don't understand the hate for the guy... I don't want Ottawa to tank badly mainly because the CFL really could use the extra team. I do find it funny that people go crazy because he signed some TCF yet when we sign guys like that it's no big deal. Need I remind everyone that we signed crap for coaches and some great FA's along some dumpy FA's.
  20. For the record my inside source (someone I knew who was guarding Li while he was on death watch) said he was a completely normal quiet person who randomly would want to off himself completely out of the blue. He was on his meds at the time but they played pool with him and cards and 95% of the time he was an average normal guy. Kind of weird that a cold blooded murderer gets a chance to play pool to pass time, I don't even get a chance to play pool and I have zero criminal record. After his experience with him he said it was extremely creepy because he didn't look out of place or scummy like most of the people who go to jail.... but the fact that he would just randomly turn on his suicidal tendencies creeped the bejesus out of him. They had to literally Hannibal Lector him at times (I.E. keep him in restraints and tied down).
  21. Long story short on this whole story.... people who do defend Li... I welcome them to go to a nice retreat with Mr Li out of town for a few days and you can take his word that he's on his meds. Maybe watch some South Park with him I'm pretty sure they wouldn't' be sleeping easy at night!
  22. So Suber was doing these kinds of things in 2011 with his same height, I don't get what the point is?
  23. Oooh..the very thought makes my nipples hard.
  24. Well if they under utilize again this season then I can see him wanting out...
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