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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Wow well good on Walters! I wonder what happens with Glenn then... I think I rather go through growing pains with Willy then Glenn again...
  2. I definitely am surprised and I won't make any future he definitely will sign us posts for any players. The fall out of this... I'm guessing Glenn goes to BC.
  3. If Kohlert *wanted* to play in Ottawa you would think they would of signed the guy to an extension by now?
  4. We had $200,000 to play with in December and still couldn't sign Henoc... ouch. We could have offered $100,000 signing bonus and not even felt it this year... dude is gonzo. What does that have to do with signing Henoc. He's trying out for the NFL. He wouldn't have signed until he exhausted his options. This is true..... *if* he were to get on with an NFL team he would be making it rain a lot harder then by him signing for "big" money in the CFL.
  5. I don't think Moore is a guy that would sway a player to sign with one team rather then another. In regards to Ottawa Burris clearly would be in competition with Glenn and DeMarco and it's pretty clear that Ottawa would give each guy a fair shake .... so his potential to start and his potential to earn those extra incentive dollars are much lower in Ottawa. It doesn't make sense to me.
  6. Why trade for Glenn when you know that he will just end up being cut
  7. Unable to do so as he is still property of the Riders. Do we know if the Riders made an offer?
  8. The Ball is in Hanks court, I'm curious to see if Willy ends up with us in the end
  9. This off-season just gets more and more underwhelming. These two guys are probably the absolute lowest priority signings we have. So you'd prefer we didn't sign them at all? Or just sign them and not announce it? I don't get the negative spin on this. It just "is". Another Blue Bomber fan myth.... Apparently you can only sign one player at a time and in priority order....
  10. I agree on this being a good article and by Lawless this is quite refreshing. I think as long as willy is a free agent there is no need to panic. I wonder if the Blue have made an offer to Willy yet?
  11. Unless Ottawa is prepared to release/trade Glenn? Why would they draft him then? Plus Glenn is a much better team player ...
  12. Worst case scenario then would be to sign Willy which is still better then our situation last year with Buck!
  13. Yeah. We wouldn't want to overshadow the "Superbowel Extravaganza" Sunday with the Burris signing. Well the fair weather fans I think would be excited for the team signing Burris.... this would get the Blue Bombers back in the local news and would *hopefully* sell some extra season tickets. It would only make sense to make the announcement on a slow news day.
  14. Mr Perfect believes that Edmonton may go for Burris based on them having a new coach? I don't believe this is true at all , but if it were to be true my thoughts would be that Reilly would then become expendable and we could swing a deal for him since the odds of Edmonton wanting to pay $300 000 for 2 QBs would be extremely low. I would LOVE it if you could show me where I said Edmonton's reason for pursuing Burris was because they have a new coach. What I did say was, and has been noted in print as to why Edmonton is also pursuing Burris is because there are people within the Eskimos organization who apparently are not sold on Reilly. Who those people are exactly we can speculate on all day, but I never once mentioned Chris Jones being the reason why Edmonton is talking to Burris. So what happens to Reilly if Edmonton is not in favor of keeping him. What other teams would be willing to trade or sign him at his starter salary dollars? Quick make a list of teams looking for a starter! What other teams were interested in that guy last year when he was a FA... HMMMMMM
  15. Just like it's a lock that we're getting Burris for a discounted rate as you put it, even though he is looking for a raise compared to his last contract in Hamilton, right? Who is going to pay him more then what he made in Hamilton last season? If he is wanting $300 000 as you suggested.... how will those other teams be able to pay him when they already have QB(s) making starter salary??
  16. I would think more so the fact that they are paying Pavs big money to start and that Montoya is due up for a new contract next season is the main reason he is not starting every game. If it were only about the talent and not about the money then in years past guys like Antropov would of been scratched every game.
  17. Mr Perfect believes that Edmonton may go for Burris based on them having a new coach? I don't believe this is true at all , but if it were to be true my thoughts would be that Reilly would then become expendable and we could swing a deal for him since the odds of Edmonton wanting to pay $300 000 for 2 QBs would be extremely low.
  18. I only watched the first period and he made some fantastic saves, the proof is in the stats.... the guy clearly is outplaying Pavs When it comes to goaltending, stats are definitely for losers. Until goalie stats show the number of 'scoring chances' against, they will be mostly meaningless. For example, Kiprusoff played some excellent goal for a poor Calgary team - for quite a few years. Ok well watch the Chicago game and watch the Montreal game and you would see Montoya making ridiculously good saves... then watch Pav being out of placed and being undressed with weak goals (such as the wrap around goal he let in the other night) and that alone is enough. Stats are for losers? Are you kidding me? In Hockey stats tell quite a bit of a story, the +/ - stat is a very good indication of a Defense and Forward, also I'm pretty sure when you pay someone big bucks and they have a crappy plus minus on top of very little points that it tells quite a clear story. For Goalies stats between different goalies for different teams might make sense... but when Montoya who is coming off the bench cold and is playing behind the exact same guys that Pavs does and against the top teams of the league and his GAA is a full goal lower and his save % is quite higher, has more shutouts..... how does that not tell the story??
  19. I told you guys we'd pay for Hank if we signed him. No, no, he has nowhere else to go so he'll be cheaper was the response. Sure. Then let him sign elsewhere! We sign Willy then or if Edmonton or Montreal sign him then we go after Reilly or Nieswander. No team can justify spending 300 000 on a backup qb Everybody seems to want to sign somewhere else & we keep losing. Not just games but players & coaches. So how is that working out for us? It can't continue. As much as I backed Mack... this problem only started occuring when he took over (to a certain extent Mike Kelly also kicked the clubs reputation in the pants) .
  20. And this is why I would give Goltz another chance, at least bring him into TC. When you have 3 different QB's who dumped on Burke/Crowton and being disgruntled and apparently bad attitudes.... it's a little bit to much coincidence. Boltus needed to be cut because quite frankly whats the point of having a 3rd string qb if he can't even do a basic sneak? If you wern't going to play Levi then why not at least sign McPherson just to help close out the season....
  21. I only watched the first period and he made some fantastic saves, the proof is in the stats.... the guy clearly is outplaying Pavs
  22. I told you guys we'd pay for Hank if we signed him. No, no, he has nowhere else to go so he'll be cheaper was the response. Sure. Then let him sign elsewhere! We sign Willy then or if Edmonton or Montreal sign him then we go after Reilly or Nieswander. No team can justify spending 300 000 on a backup qb
  23. Byron Parker? No, he wasn't. The only person making $400,000 in Montreal was AC. Bo Bowling was near the half million mark also! He got a bonus for each time Rod Black said his name!
  24. Lol yes because Walters would tell Stegall who is friends with Burris and lots of the free agents exactly how much free cash the team has to spend LOL!! You also didn't respond to my examples with Calgary and Saskatchewan who were able to sign loads of big contract players. If Edmonton isn't sold on Reilly then why not trade for him, he showed more then enough that he can play in this league and I would way rather have Reilly then Burris. For Montreal, why would they re sign Troy Smith at a bigger contract? In your world how would they possibly be able to afford Burris at 300 000+ with all those big contract talented guys on the Als. With other guys saying that Burris is a big baby (probably true) why in the world would he sign in Montreal when clearly they want to go with Smith in the future?
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