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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. The salary cap is almost 5 million, not 500,000. Why is there this constant notion on Bomber message boards that the Bombers can not afford more than one good player? I don't understand. Because we have really dumb fans...
  2. Wouldn't it be awesome if he was cut then signed with the Blue Bombers
  3. I also wonder how much our OL factored into this decision. Our offense doesn't have a pocket, it has a killing floor. On the bright side, as we get our OL issues sorted out, it will be Burris taking that punishment, instead of some prized youngster like Mike Reilly who is the Future of the Franchise. I dunno I think Burris can make an o-line look better than they are, one of the things he does do well is avoid pressure in the pocket and buy time. Think of how many times you remember thinking that the Bombers should have had Burris sacked in the pocket but he managed to slip away... That's his real strength as a qb, forget the arm, he's an elusive player, that's what lets him put up the numbers he does. And so begins the jumping on the Burris bandwagon by 17.... I never thought that I would see this day
  4. This is exactly how I feel. It sucks that we didn't get him but I'm way happier with our options that are left over. I don't care what 17 says Burris is a huge improvement over anyone we have had recently and he is durable and can provide some stability for the next two years as this club tries to get out of the gutter. Willy is also a nice option to go with also and has as much upside as Collaros. Its not the end of the world. Heck you can spin negatives on Collaros with his throwing mechanics and him being a fast starter and slow finisher. As long as we dump Boltus and get Willy or Burris then this will be good.
  5. Bad goaltending is something Maurice can only do so much with...... The goal at the beginning of the Chicago game was an old Noel tendency... (throwing the puck carelessly from behind our net in front of it) Against Nashville all I noticed was Pavs sprawling around way out of place and letting a couple of real bad goals in, also noticed that Andrew Ladd is missing and appears to be invisible on the ice. Other frequent issues... Bogosian can't hit the net if his life depended on it, bad hustle from our forwards coming back, Wheeler holding onto the puck to long, Stuart the unsung hero on our team, Setoguchi is invisible, Thorburn should not be on our first two lines and Scheifle in desperate need of getting 15 lbs of man muscle to help prevent him from being pushed around. Lots of the under the radar guys like Trouba, Frolik and Stuart really do have lots of hustle and play hard. Also Montoya definitely should be given a shot at starting job.... Pavs is to streaky and is out of place so frequently and loves to give up the big rebounds.
  6. This thread is kind of sad.... People actually thought Troy Smith made 500 000 for half a season of work??? Reallllly?? People think that Burris and Hamilton wouldn't work things out because of awkwardness from them pursuing Collaros? You think Burris would turn down a 300 000 contract because of hurt feelings? People think Collaros gives a crap about playing in an unfinished stadium for one season? People think an expansion team would burn starter salary on two guys while also having a this stringer who stated a bunch of game last season and that Collaros would sign with a team with the highest is of him not getting the starter job and all that bonus incentive money??? Same goes for Montreal where they have three guys who had success starting last year. This thread is the kind of crap usually on rider fans. Collaros is going to Hamilton or Winnipeg or NFL and that's it. It'll be for whoever offers the most guaranteed money. If Winnipeg throws more cash on the table then that will trump any other crap reasons people are coming up with
  7. 17 is discrediting Burris way to much. Signing Burris would instantly give us our best qb since 2007.
  8. The reason they didn't originally bring him was his salary. He's to old now I'd way rather have Jovon then him.
  9. The question is Khari better then Burris? Burris had many more productive years , has a ring and had success with multiple teams while Khari stunk it up elsewhere.
  10. Calvillo definitely was better then Khari its not even a discussion to have.
  11. Am I the only one who keeps going to this site with hope that a new Collaros signs with the Blue thread shows up?
  12. I don't understand the massive hate for Burris.... while not the guy who will lead us to some great dynasty... the guy clearly is way better then anyone we currently have and he has been way better then Buck had played over the last few seasons. He'd definitely give us 1 - 2 seasons of GOOD QB play. It's not like this team is anywhere near competing for the Cup anytime soon so does it really matter if he has to play out in the cold a few times a year? At least during the Summer months we can go out and not pray/hope that whatever qb playing (Pierce/Hall/Goltz) would have a great day and throw for a whopping 200 yards.,.. It would be nice for once to have a qb who can actually throw the ball down the field instead of floating it.
  13. I just don't see Jackson as a coach....
  14. Harris not a potential FA. Some people thought he was but they were wrong. Which is unfortunate since he was very under utilized last season. Now just for the fun / sake of it.... what if the Bombers traded 1st rounder and some other player straight up for Harris. Would anyone be for/against this?
  15. Hey Joey Elliott might be available 17! Would you rather him or Burris?
  16. That article was simply Penton making up news and adding filler.
  17. Long term contract with a normal salary and a healthy signing bonus?
  18. I'm sure his new role as the nose tackle for our new defense will work wonders for him!
  19. Mobile as in able to roll out of the pocket and throw a pass....40 times are nice but not essential
  20. Sadly the worst decision ever was taking the knee last season..... absolutely awful.
  21. in terms of who was better than Calvillo without taking career length into account DIckenson and Garcia are absolutely better. I'd argue for Khari Jones being above Calvillo for a peak as well just because of what Khari did without ever having a good offensive line like the ones Montreal had. That's just taking into account guys from "recently" Obviously the lengthy career counts for something, but the dude is highly over rated just because he played for ever. Similar to Damon Allen. This is always a great topic of debate, the Art Monk debate of a guy who played above average for a long period of time vs a guy like Jim Brown who simply was lights-out outstanding for a short period of time. I think Calvillo is a great qb and definitely a HOF in the CFL and a guy who was really good. But it's so hard to back his case as the best since he had very poor showings when his team wasn't surrounded by all star players. Ricky Ray put up gawdy numbers despite having crap like Kamau Peterson..... I'd agree that Calvillo isn't the top dog, I don't think he's bad... he's in a class right next to Danny McManus and Damon Allen who are great but not the all time greats.
  22. I was at that game.... all I remember was lots of fans mad at Burke for going for the punt (with a horrible punt by Renaud) and also the defense completely breaking down in the 4th quarter. I also remember several other points of the game where Joey Elliott was visibly frustrated at some of the plays in Rider territory... lots of really conservative stuff. Willy looked ok that night, didn't look like a guy who was lost on the field. Wasn't really impressed with his athletic ability but he definitely made smart plays.
  23. johnzo is correct, i said best CFL career. Not the best qb to ever play in the CFL. The best qb that I ever saw play was Flutie followed by Dickenson and Garcia. I'm saying the guy who had the best CFL career , a guy who pretty much played his entire career in the CFL. I am not familiar with guys who played before the mid 80's so it's an honest question. Calvillo had the luxury of great players surrounding him and that's an honest point to make against him being the best all time. Flutie / Moon only played for so many years so I wouldn't really consider them. I'm thinking more so guys like Damon Allen , McManus, Austin, Ham, Ray, Nealone Greene and so forth .....
  24. Most Hated Football Player in the US certainly doesn't make you a bum. And it makes money for the NFL. Whether they'll admit it or not, the NFL owners must love what Sherman did yesterday. Totally disagree, the NFL is wanting the squeaky clean image. Look how they pretty much killed off any popularity with Terrell Owens, Randy Moss and Chad Ochocino.... I'm sure sherman will burn out like those other guys and be flat broke by the time he's in his mid 30s.
  25. The only person who didn't think Burke was in doo doo would probably of been himself... we all knew the season was going to suck the moment they got rid of Joey Elliott and decided to continue on with Buck with zeor CFL experienced qbs as his back ups.
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