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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. no. You think Damon Allen is above him?
  2. If I start seeing guys who are 4 yards apart and trying to put players in positions that are unconventional and that don't seem to make sense... then I will once again bring out the pitchfork....
  3. It could of been the 2013 version of the longest yard!
  4. Lol that's not a good thing. Would signing one of Burris/Collaros/Willy make it better? Imagine if we go into the new season with Hall / Boltus / Goltz combo!! If that happens I'm buying a Stamps jersey and giving up lol!
  5. Well hopefully its only a one year contract... I don't want the club paying yet another guy to sit at home...
  6. Yikes this is not the news I wanted to read. My hopes and expectations are once again lowered. I guess we will have to wait another year to see who is available at DC for us.
  7. Why would they sign him to only cut him in training camp? Why wouldn't you want him as a third stringer? He's good on short yardage , knows the league and has good athletic ability. Great move by the stamps.
  8. Calgary loses their starter yet still managed to have three qbs who are better then what we currently have
  9. those are actually good moves to make, bring in veterans so that the guys you draft have some time and less pressure to perform. They knew this was going to be a long road so why freak out when the GM is doing exactly what they said they would do? But the big free agents available we never go after. I'd like to see us do that... As far as veterans, yes, I agree. But it was Cheveldayoff preaching patience since the Jets got to Winnipeg & now suddenly it's like a light bulb went off in his head that things aren't working remaining status quo. Maybe Chipman told him to change, who knows? Hopefully we become more active on July 1st & trade to actually try to improve. Just because Winnipeg is a hockey city with knowledgeable fans doesn't give Cheveldayoff a pass to take years to build a winner. (See Edmonton). How many big trades has there been made in the NHL since the Jets returned? How could the Jets possibly sign big Free Agents or make big trades when they had huge salaries like Ron Hainsey and Nik Antropov that was killing them against the cap? Cheveldayoff was preaching patience because the Thrashers had made rash decisions and had a lot of dead weight, barely any prospects and in the past they dumped their best players and got not much in return. This isn't a video game where you can easily pluck an all star straight out of free agency or swing a trade easily.
  10. Boy the team sure played different tonight.... lots of offensive output despite Kane being out of the line up. It's almost like this team looked motivated and that they gave two craps on the ice tonight. As mentioned before the talent is sufficient.... the lack of focus/motivation was the big problem. Lets hope Maurice can keep the team *motivated* for the rest of the year. Oh and if anyone needs to get traded it has to be Ladd... the dude simply just can't make the plays when needed.
  11. St John's does not have anyone that can improve this club, the only guys not playing that could be of some help would be Redmond and Postma and maybe Pasquale could replace Pavs down the road if this trend continues.
  12. I lulz at the one who thinks Evander Kane is the only threat on offense... the guy has potential that's for sure but I'm not impressed with his 25 points and his 14 goals on a bazillion shots. When he learns how to pass then he might become a star. Wheeler is probably our best guy on offense and he's above average that's for sure. Pavs is definitely stinking it up, he definitely is making more money then he should based on his play. How can Montoya have a winning record and much better stats then him? I definitely expect the team to respond better with Maurice, he *should* have much more respect from the players and in theory they should play harder.
  13. Can you honestly say that this Jets roster is capable of much more than they are doing though? Look at the rest of the western conference and honestly see where the Jets roster stacks up, it's not favourable. The answer is yes... how can they beat teams like Colorado and then simply roll over against crap teams like Florida and Buffalo. This team if properly coached should of had at least 5 - 10 more wins. So many gimmies they gave away. I don't think this team could compete for the Cup by any means... but we definitely are way below what we should be at.
  14. What's wrong with most of the guys he signed? Guys like Bogosian, Kane, Wheeler can look fantastic some nights and then awful on others.... I find it to coincidental that this team can play fantastic some nights and then awful on others. The team clearly has enough talent to beat the better teams in this league yet somehow the next night can't beat a crap team like Buffalo. To me that screams of bad coaching / preparation. With the Blue it was a train wreck from the start (with the offense) they never showed up any night so clearly it was talent (on top of the bad coaching). If you actually watched the games you would see that the key problem with this team is lazyness , sloppy play, and some guys phoning it in. That to me is lack of motivation and spoiled brats getting away with being lazy. In years past we could blame the problems on guys like Antropov who clearly could not skate and lacked the skill to really do anything ..... the fat we shed were non NHL caliber guys.... the guys we have now have the skills but they simply are not playing to potential. Mr Owl Man Noel was way over his head, the dude is not a NHL caliber coach and time to move on.
  15. Noel was simply over his head, the guy can be a decent AHL coach and probably a solid assistant coach in the NHL, but the guy simply wouldn't be able to motivate a bunch of young guys. The move was inevitable and maybe this will shake things up for the rest of the year. The team is moving in the right direction and hopefully next year they can hire a coach who can actually pull the team up. It's to bad they couldn't of had Vigneault....
  16. Edem is being massively overrated by fans, he wasn't that great.
  17. What were they going to say Buck is injury proned and isn't of any use in the booth with Crowton?
  18. Good players don't get benched and then cut... Stala is an ok talent but really not a guy we would need. I'd rather drop the band aid solution cash on the o line
  19. Are you referring to fans or the club?
  20. My original point was that Buck wasn't known as a tactician on the field. Absolutely everything he displayed as a player would not indicate that he would be a great qb coach.
  21. Really you would rather have Boltus or Pierce at the helm??? Burris is a tool but he's light years better then anyone we have had since Glenn...
  22. Until he slips up after a punt return touchdown by Dave Stala and he proceeds to go off about Sticky Stalas STD's in TD place!!
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