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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Stala could fit with Ottawa. My wild prediction.... Burris goes to BC and they cut Buck who then goes to Hamilton while the Bombers sign Collaros and Willy.
  2. Why would we want buck as a qb coach???? Only because he has roots here that's a horrible reason to hire a guy. Is it because of his stellar play with the Blue.....???? Is it his style which only worked when he would scramble and make a play on the fly with his legs??? Is it because he looked focus on the sidelines when he played and that he never appeared to be dazed or spaced out??? I see zero reason for him to be qb coach. I'd rather they bring in a guy who with a good reputation for game planning and good with his x and o's and someone who could mentor.
  3. Yes he is what he is... a guy who can score great on the power play and then stink it up on his own end.... the -15 or whatever he is at now is quite indicative as well as him being one of the top guys in the league with giveaways. Bogo isn't elite and definitely can't shoot for ****, but he at least can get the puck out of his own end and considering how crappy the team has been and he still somehow is a +6 really does show. Byfuglien isn't a scapegoat, to me Pavelec also is vastly over rated.... Buff simply should be a forward because he's lazy as fack and a liability on the D, put him on the point for the power play but for the rest of the game put him in Thorburns place on the wing. Claude Noel is in over his head, not a horrible coach but definitely not a guy who can raise the bar on a team full of young guys.
  4. Coaching is huge just look at the Jets... Owl man Noel looks and is now talking like a defeated man and the team now is spiraling down fast.
  5. hate it so much when receivers do that. just play through it and it's more likely the refs will see the interference. Edwards would be the most penalized guy in the league
  6. Not impressed by the signing, but hey maybe they will save money here and put money towards a qb coach
  7. So no jokes about Pall being 5th overall pick only for them to instantly cut him and Montreal signing him? Or is it only Mack picks that can be forever mocked?
  8. Well as a fan when you see a guy like Foster get several chances to make first downs and simply drop the ball mean while once in a blue moon Etienne gets a ball his way and he makes the catch and gets some YAC it really makes it hard for us to really root for him to leave...
  9. Well it's kind of unfair to really judge any of the receivers based on how piss poor the o has been. With such limited action and so few balls thrown his way we really don't know how good or bad Etienne can be. It wasn't like he was dropping balls like Foster was. Etienne is still a TBD....
  10. Why would Jarious Jackson be considered a good pickup for qb coach? The guy never excelled as a player and was never known As a smart qb. He was a guy with a big arm that never won a starting job...
  11. Not to many people are posting at the other site.... I'll be surprise if it stays open for more then 1 - 2 seasons....
  12. I just don't understand why don't they have a twitter account or some kind of online forum to ask questions for the coach and then from there Irving could cherry pick the useful questions to ask the coach. Years of listening to bring back Westwood or why don't you trade for Ricky Ray (mid season) or an old lady wanting to lecture the coach for letting go of a mediocre long time player who is way over the hill is quite annoying and makes the show really a waste of time.
  13. Mack as a gm probably would get a D+ .... Burke as a coach was a solid F Mack wasn't that bad... It was Lapolice and Burke idea to start Buck for so long.
  14. I really think he will overtake Reinbold for the guy that everyone brings up as the worst coach in recent blue history. He was that bad...
  15. I wasn't aware of blaming everyone except yourself is considered class..... while he didn't make a fool of himself like Reed did.... he also didn't show any emotion or really ever was honest with Bob or the fans in general.
  16. Hey that's true! It was a brilliant move. Mack successfully prevented Ottawa from stealing a talented non-import from our roster. Kudos. Huff was the same way drafting guys and then cutting them at training camp what a genius!!
  17. No need to rehash the draft .. but I agree with the sentiment .. there's a time and place (in the draft) to take fliers on guys who will be in NFL training camps .. top of the first round is not one of those spots. Calgary drafted Doug Brown with the 5th pick overall in 1997. Was he not worthy of a 5th pick? Did he ever play a down in Calgary? Did Calgary have the same pressing needs to address as the Bombers have (had) over the last couple of seasons? The answer is no. Brown was drafted in 97 and spent the next 4 years down south. He never once put on a Stampeders uniform. You could also look at the depth of a particular draft when reaching to take someone but I think the underlying point remains .. when you are trying to rebuild a NI talent base, there's a time and place to take a chance on guys with NFL aspirations or guys who have *already signed an NFL contract* .. So, you could take a mediocre player and have him for years, or take the best player, and be able to either sign and play him, or trade him for other draft picks (3rd rounder for Brown who ended up being Mike Labinjo, 1st rounder for Philion) because you have great Non-import talent on your team already? When you pick guys that can't break out onto your roster, they become free agents. While the player is trying out/playing in the NFL, you retain their rights while they develop. So are you suggesting then that the Bombers have great non-import talent? That we can afford to wait years for players to, perhaps, trickle in from their NFL stints to flip them or try and sign them? When you have a full compliment of draft picks .. when you have solid non-import depth .. you can take chances and roll the dice on some of these guys who will spend a bit of time down south. I have no problem with that. But we aren't in that position and because of that, you have to take a long look at guys who will step into camp day one and can contribute. Maybe deferring to your Canadian draft expert .. our current GM .. and picking a guy like Edem might have made more sense .. especially with how our roster was structured .. (he's someone who could step in at both LB or Safety). But why get Edem when you have both Muambas doing lb and safety...
  18. Good bye to giving up late in a game when their is more then enough time to attempt a drive and field goal and hope that you can win in OT despite the defense playing extremely poor in the last 2 quarters blowing a big lead. Good bye to droopy dogg face..... Good bye to sitting a qb that made the Blue 1st in the red zone at the beginning of the season in favour of playing a QB who managed a negative qb rating.... Good bye injury proned rbs..... Good bye to having to watch the tape to figure out what to do next despite Bob Irving being more then nice enough to giving you an easy out to explain why you lost the game.... Good bye to ignoring the o-line.... Good bye to being satisfied or happy when a qb throws for more then 200 yards in a game....
  19. Which CFL media.... someone legit or someone like Friesen who trolls boards?
  20. He wanted to live closer to his family and there home base, makes sense to me.
  21. I think the only thing that might work is the onside kick within the NFL.... but not every time just a more frequent basis would be a good tactic for a team like the 49ers who have a fantastic defense.
  22. Where are all these rumours of Dickenson and Wylie coming from?
  23. Not to mention much better job security and much more potential for career advancements....
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