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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Not to mention much better job security and much more potential for career advancements....
  2. Name recognition does wonders for people ... I'd rather have a guy like Figeuroa .. he's an absolute beast, a guy with a mean streak .. and had a great first season with the TiCats .. easily better than anything January has done the past few years .. I'd agree on the name recognition within the CFL..... you see that a lot with "potential" head coaches and certain fans going gung-ho simply because they think they recognize the name.
  3. I consider this a big and very good signing. Hopefully we see more moves like this for our o line
  4. BC better hope that Lulay stays healthy...
  5. It should be noted that the Bombers w/ Greg Marshall were 3-2-1 in 3 seasons against Ricky Ray and the Eskimos. But wasn't it a Greg Marshall defense that Jason Maas had set the record for straight completions? (I could be incorrect but was just wondering)
  6. Why would you compare him to those two? And Joseph won a great cup so that can't be that bad.Big arm, physical, havent seen him use his football iq so smarts are questionable... Joseph won a cup, sure but hes no tracy ham.. So why wouldn't you compare him to Reilly who is exactly as you described? For the record Troy Smith does have very good football IQ considering he came mid season and played smart football on the field and produced immediately.
  7. Nelson has coached on how many teams in the last 5 years and yet he's not considered a cast off???
  8. He was garbage in years past we got way more out of our sub par talent then what he did. Glad he's gone!
  9. Why would you compare him to those two? And Joseph won a great cup so that can't be that bad.
  10. Why are people so enamored by this staff? It's full of unproven guys (with known names) and a whole bunch of guys who did good for one season and not so good in many other seasons. I don't see anyone on that staff who retained a job for a long period of time with a winning team. The only positive I can think is that it's good that they recruited guys who know the league and didn't go for the guys from down South. But really you are jealous because Ike Charlton is a coach.... really?? Also what makes you think Ottawa will be a winner so fast? Kevin Glenn was playing on a Calgary team with an A+ rb, very good o-line and some great receivers over the last few seasons. Forget not Kevin Glenn how he plays once he gets hit a few times and feels the pressure? Do you not remember Del Marco in BC having that very bad losing streak where he was replaced by Buck F'ning Pierce??? I think people are vastly over rating Ottawa. I hope that they are competitive and do "well" for the sake of the league retaining a team in Ottawa.... but I highly doubt that they'll be rolling Toronto and Montreal anytime soon.
  11. No Etch and definitely no Marshall... god if we have Marshall we might as well forfeit every game against Ricky Ray since it's a given that he'll throw 40 straight complete passes and keep the offense on the field 75% of the game. As said before... why settle for guys who have been around the league and have never excelled above mediocrity. I'd rather give it to someone with at least a chance to rise to the top.
  12. I wouldn't of thought Montreal had any interest at all in Collaros. They have 4 qbs who all started with various degrees of success so why would they bring in another guy? Troy Smith looks like the real deal, he's mobile and has a cannon for an arm and doesn't appear to choke under pressure like Burris. He's a keeper that's for sure. If the Blue don't recruit Willy as a back up, then I'd have no issue if they make a deal to bring over Nieswander... he definitely showed more then Goltz.
  13. I echo the others .... do not want a face of failure on the team at this point. I'd much rather they go for Nelson or someone like Miles...
  14. I thought Daniel Bryan 2.0 was last playing for Edmonton
  15. It would be nice to have great kickers.... Watching Jon Ryan kick the piss out of the ball and sending it flying way over the returners head was awesome
  16. I care about the Playbook remember the fancy jet packages with Kelly.
  17. The same Hugh o Neill who struggled with routine kicks last year? I'd rather Palardy
  18. Like I already said .... If Boltus is back at training camp then that is a huge red flag
  19. I really would like clarity on the whole Boltus and Goltz situation . if they hated Goltz so much then why didn't they cut him? Why wasn't Brown doing qb sneaks?
  20. Penton is a moron.... he states the oft injured Tate will now start..... so I don't see how losing a quality veteran back up who is great as an insurance policy is anything positive with his original statement. Bombers losing 2 nobodies and a guy they can get back as a free agent is a loser??? If anything we are the winners for losing the least.. Horrible article from Penton .
  21. Remember that OC who had great success with Calvillo.... then he had better success as a head coach then Bellefeuille despite having Kevin Glenn as a qb......
  22. I agree with Doug Brown, why bring anyone back associated with last years gong show of an offense. I think MB will have a near impossible challenge ahead of him because the fans are going to demand INSTANT results and I don't think we will have any sorts of patience with him. I think it's a bad hire and one that could blow up in the clubs face. Now if Boltus comes back next season even for training camp then I officially will give up on next season and will patiently await for the next rebuild....
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