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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I'd much rather they take a risk with Maas or someone else then MB. Bellefeuille has peaked at mediocrity and has never shown anything great. Once again why not Doug Berry??
  2. Morley boo, Renaud he's not that bad. He can bounce back.
  3. Hamilton has an opening unless they re sign Burris
  4. Wouldn't it be funny if Brink were to be signed by the Lions.....
  5. Blue made out fine, I think the biggest win for us is the fact that Ottawa has Glenn and demarco! That alone puts us front runners for Collaros and/or Willy/ Burris. Kohlert was a decent player but at no point was he going to be an elite receiver. He was consistent and had good hands, but I still think we can put someone else in his spot with a higher ceiling.
  6. Well in fairness he was on the right track, didn't blow money on aging vets and tried to rebuild the canadian content and kept the draft picks. His downfall was keeping Buck around to long, hiring the wrong OC's, not fixing a broken o-line...... all critical errors.
  7. If that was the case then why did O'shea sign here when he could of went elsewhere?
  8. If he brings in Hall Goltz and Boltus in at camp as qb competition then he fails... if he brings anyone in then he's a success over Mack.... pretty simple.
  9. Berry has had success everywhere he has gone aside from Darian Durant crying liek a baby. The guy is a good OC... not head coach material. Walters is saying the right stuff, now if he can get a qb and actually address issues when they are presented (such as being weak in certain positions) then he will do much better then Mack.
  10. Really???? Lol dumbest post of the year here! The internet is now black magic? Who reads actual newspapers anymore I thought everyone reads the web versions now?
  11. I'm mostly curious on what direction they go at for qb. Will they go young, will they sign a free agent?
  12. In fairness it was a huge improvement over the ni that Taman and Kelly have us. Forget not when Brock Ralph was our elite receiver
  13. The bombers if possible should see if they can package season tickets with a ticket to this game. That would easily get a boost in season ticket sales.
  14. Well the big test for Walters will be who he gets as a Qb and what he will do with our o line. If he signs Collaros or Burris and brings in Tsoumpas... he would then already have done more then Mack.
  15. Good guy but mediocre player, do people not forget how badly the guy used to be torn apart on ob.com only a few years ago.I remember how the guy was nearly ran out of town after Lumsden owned him badly for that one game. Nice and loyal guy but he won't be any big loss on the field.
  16. No doubts, considering how damn bad the qbs looked over the last season or two ... I'd take friggin Bishop at this point!
  17. As long as Stubler isn't as stubborn as Greg Marshall was with his bend without breaking defense then we should be fine. BC's issues this year were more then the DC being out of touch..... if anyone should shoulder the blame it should be the HC for not using the running game while putting a rookie and Buck Pierce in at qb.
  18. Who the F cares... I wouldn't give two craps if the club was fined a tonne of money and all draft picks were forfeited if it meant that we won a Grey Cup.
  19. Burris isn't that bad of a qb , it's not luck that he can put up gigantic numbers. He is though a fair weather qb, does crumble under pressure and he's old as dirt and not a long term solution. I think this club only should bring him in *if* they can't get a guy who has proven that he can have success in this league. Realistically if we can't get Collaros or Tate then really it would be best that we do bring in Burris to help ease the new regime in. Burris is light years better then Goltz or Hall at this point so bringing him in would definitely be an upgrade. The odds of us having a winning record next season is way higher with Burris then it would be with Hall, Goltz, Willy or Nichols...
  20. While not thrilled with his recent work, I do think adding someone with his experience will be a very big help. Definitely an upgrade from Creehan
  21. Really Don Matthews? Can't believe anyone would even say that....
  22. Can't really compare that with the cfl. Not that hard to win in a small league.
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