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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Really Don Matthews? Can't believe anyone would even say that....
  2. Can't really compare that with the cfl. Not that hard to win in a small league.
  3. I would way rather have Berry then Bellefeuille or Khari
  4. Am I the only one who would want Worman as oc?
  5. Did I not read that the sun will be cutting staff.... Friesen is just a troll
  6. Why so high on Tanner Marsh? Nieswander outplayed him. His qb rating was only slightly better then Goltz and he tossed lots of ints.
  7. I caught a tiny bit of it at work, someone asked him about Collaros and he said that he can't comment on him because he is an Argo but that he liked him. Also I heard a round of applause when he made a point saying that they will make a clear choice for starting qb and basically there will be no gong show like with burke.
  8. I'm just glad that they are bringing in cfl people who are in tune with the league. No more unknowns who have to learn the game.
  9. The Argos are getting raped in management & coaching, Bluto. Collaros will be gone.... Might be a challenging season next year. All of this doesn't matter when you have Ricky Ray!
  10. Marcel has never had a track record of great success.... this is why I wouldn't look his way. O Shea as Bluto says always seems to be a winner and he has a great deal of respect from fans, media and players. He's definitely a guy that I think can win the locker room while Cortez can be questionable if he could do the same. Regardless after seeing droopy dog Burke I'm willing to take even Reinbold at this point LOL!
  11. I think the issue is the media cherry picking people to make a better story.
  12. Hall should be the only qb invited back. he played well enough for that. The other two? Nope. Pierce?? He's in BC.I know but knowing or old management they would of traded for buck back
  13. I don't know what the stats are but I do recall reading a ton of things stating that owning a restaurant or bar is basically asking for a failed business. So much competition and thin profit margins you gotta get people through the door constantly to make it work. 80% of non chain/franchise restaurants close within three years. Source: kitchen nightmares, bar rescue and working with some successful restaurant owners in my past
  14. I'd rather we go with Burris then Goltz or Pierce or Hall or Boltus. I just hope he is plan B and that they go for Collaros first
  15. I went around the province the last several months for work and stopped off to eat at nearly every little city. For the most part everywhere has a subway, chicken chef, Chinese restaurant, greasy spoon and maybe a general family place to get a clubhouse or basic food. None of the small towns had anything like carribean, east Indian, Thai etc.... I did see many Asian people working at the restaurants outside of the bible belt and did not see any kind racism or people avoiding these places. Within the bible belt , you definitely encounter ignorant and racist people. I definitely think they are more common in that area. But it's far from being the norm. I would think the reason these places fail is because of the small market more so then a community of hate. As a whole I found this province to be very good and not racist at all. A few bad apples shouldn't make it seem like every one in the country is a racist.
  16. In fairness when I was in Morris we walked in the place for lunch and it was very dark, very hot and it wasn't the cleanest place.
  17. This is great news, the club will save lots of money and it at least makes the decision moving forward much easier.
  18. A great oc can have a productive offense despite not having an all star qb. A mediocre oc can only look good when he has the best tools.
  19. He definitely under performed this season. They definitely under utilized Harris big time.
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