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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. So lots of unproven guys, injury prone players and Kevin Glenn? I'd take Burris over any of them sadly
  2. More than Mike Reilly ever did, and has a way higher ceiling as well. Lol ya right nice try, if this is the case then do you expect a bidding war on him?
  3. Hey maybe Popp will go crazy and trade us Troy Smith and drag out Calvillo for another season
  4. I'm glad that the Blue made a call that's a good sign
  5. What has drew willy really done? What about years of him signing cast offs with us? People have short term memory. Forget not the riders are way over budget...
  6. Out of curiosity why do you think Hervey is an awful GM? Terrible cap management abilities, his scouting is pretty awful, he's a royal ******* to media, he's broken several rules that a GM should know about, I could go on You could say the same about Taman aside from him being nice to the media.
  7. Burris isn't done, he is the perfect filler qb and a safe bet for Ottawa.
  8. I agree with Climie in that the big turning point was those 2 lucky bounces Durant had in the 1st quarter... both fumbles could of EASILY turned the tide early on. Burris forced some bad throws... but that defense really didn't do any favours either.
  9. Well the best proven qbs on the market would be Burris - Glenn - Tate in that order... now I'm not saying who has the most long term upside or anything but if a team wants a proven guy right now those would be the top 3 available IMO. Now if they want to grow and are willing to go through growing pains then I think it's Collaros - Willy - Nieswander/Marsh in that order.... Lots of options and if the blue are smart they wont wait and see how things shake out.
  10. We can only hope that Ottawa and Hamilton want Glenn / Nieswander / De Marco / Tate / Willy or somebody else aside from Collaros.....
  11. I wouldn't think any player would think like that... Collaros would be smart to sign any deal that works for him. I'm sure if the blue would come in with a solid deal then he would sign.
  12. Would they want him over Glenn? More durable , they could use there qb pick in the expansion for someone younger?
  13. Lookin like Burris will be a free agent
  14. Hamilton needs to settle down, they are very jumpy now
  15. Tampering constantly happens in this league so why not have a cup of coffee with his agent. Proactive is the way to go.... Reactive has you praying that Pierce goes back to his old self then declaring Goltz as your starter for the rest of the season only for you to pull him from fan pressure and going with plan C....
  16. I'm using my real name and honestly khari is definitely not as highly regarded as C Jones.
  17. No doubts the riders have had two huge breaks go there way already. Both with the fumbles...
  18. The guy was pro active and was/is in a bad situation so I don't think Hervey is terrible. Forget not Tillman did not even talk to the guys going into free agency and Edmonton had a very large amount of guys going into free agency. I don't think Hervey is great but considering the circumstances he's done well. If hiring Jones is true then yet another solid move by him. Acquiring Jones is a much better move then the bombers praying that Khari will be the savior.
  19. It wasn't. But if you think he did anything close to try & fire up his offense on the sidelines & in the huddle you're wrong. That's not his style & when things go bad he becomes almost stoic. It's okay when a game is going well, not so good when the team is struggling. Why do you think Huff pulled him? He needed a spark to get the offense going as he saw the same thing, too. Only a qb can fire up a team? Weak excuse. The receivers skills of been more careful with the ball and the teem didn't seem mentally focused. I pin that on the coaching staff.
  20. Out of curiosity why do you think Hervey is an awful GM?
  21. Can they please allow him to spend money for some free agents!!
  22. I wasn't aware that it was Glenn's fault that his receivers fumbled the ball after he tossed perfect passes which all were for very good yards.
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