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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Hamilton needs to settle down, they are very jumpy now
  2. Tampering constantly happens in this league so why not have a cup of coffee with his agent. Proactive is the way to go.... Reactive has you praying that Pierce goes back to his old self then declaring Goltz as your starter for the rest of the season only for you to pull him from fan pressure and going with plan C....
  3. I'm using my real name and honestly khari is definitely not as highly regarded as C Jones.
  4. No doubts the riders have had two huge breaks go there way already. Both with the fumbles...
  5. The guy was pro active and was/is in a bad situation so I don't think Hervey is terrible. Forget not Tillman did not even talk to the guys going into free agency and Edmonton had a very large amount of guys going into free agency. I don't think Hervey is great but considering the circumstances he's done well. If hiring Jones is true then yet another solid move by him. Acquiring Jones is a much better move then the bombers praying that Khari will be the savior.
  6. It wasn't. But if you think he did anything close to try & fire up his offense on the sidelines & in the huddle you're wrong. That's not his style & when things go bad he becomes almost stoic. It's okay when a game is going well, not so good when the team is struggling. Why do you think Huff pulled him? He needed a spark to get the offense going as he saw the same thing, too. Only a qb can fire up a team? Weak excuse. The receivers skills of been more careful with the ball and the teem didn't seem mentally focused. I pin that on the coaching staff.
  7. Out of curiosity why do you think Hervey is an awful GM?
  8. Can they please allow him to spend money for some free agents!!
  9. I wasn't aware that it was Glenn's fault that his receivers fumbled the ball after he tossed perfect passes which all were for very good yards.
  10. Maybe he's tired of filing away his subway napkins in the office?
  11. But we are willing to bring in Khari who is currently a rider man...
  12. Maybe Bluto can provide insight on O Shea and his ability to coach
  13. That lost was purely on the receivers giving away the ball and killing momentum and taking points off the board. If they hang on to the ball Calgary would of had more points and the defense would be more rested and sask would of played on much worse field position. Glenn's horrible into didn't help either
  14. I think people are over blowing how 'good' Berry is as a oc. while he is certainly better then the crap we have had of late, i do remember the team struggling on offense with him as the coach. Remember when on the old site people would complain because we would always score on the first drive but then not move the chains until later on in the game.
  15. I think what is more important is if the coach or gm has cfl experience as a player or in any other role. We kept bringing in randoms from the states instead of going for a guy with cfl experience who knows the cfl game.
  16. But both Kent Austin and Scott Milanovich BOTH won the grey cup in their rookie year as a HC!!!
  17. Kind of a dumb thread... Toronto has experienced coaches and an experienced qb with a fantastic track record and they lost today, hell if anything it makes your point look silly since Milanovich was a rookie coach last season and he won the grey cup. I don't see the point at all. Austin isn't an outstanding coach IMO , he was lucky to win last week and called a horrible game. They have a qb who is extremely streaky and today he was on. All I know is that Calgary/Saskatchewan will be very happy to face H amilton rather then Toronto for the cup.
  18. I don't care what they say.... Henry Burris is starting and even if Ray goes down with a broken arm on the first play... Collaros is still more then good enough to carry them.
  19. Remember Goltz's TD Red Zone % was #1 in the league this season prior to him being benched..... so that point is fairly moot....
  20. Could be like when Matty coached in Calgary
  21. The biggest problem is a rookie coach taking on a full rebuild. He will have to have a complete experienced coaching staff to lean on for success. We can't afford any more learning on the fly... Also a qb would help
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