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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Harris looked good yesterday, I don't think it's a case of the guy being over the hill and simply can't perform any more. I think it's mostly motivation and/or bad game planning. I don't think he will be Jerome Messam 2.0 .... I think he could be a guy that could take A LOT of heat off the qb if we ran a system that would dink and dunk to him throughout the game.
  2. He can go deep when he is wide open, I said that when he's tightly covered and/or double covered he's pretty much useless. Much better receiver at catching a short to medium pass and gathering a lot of YAC. Where was Bowman after the first 5 minutes when he wasn't covered by that rookie? Buck looked awful at the beginning.... looked better once he started throwing the ball ASAP to Harris when Edmonton was blitzing. Pierce as we always knew is much better on the run and winging it. Looked like the Pierce of old... but didn't look quite like a world beater either. Donovan Alexander definitely is the worst safety in the league... looks worse then Cauchy. Reilly looked frazzled and definitely was gun shy for some reason. Couldn't believe BC put DelMarco back in when only up by 14 with 6 minutes left in the game. Quite a huge contrast in coaching styles between Benevides and Burke. BC benches the guy when he struggles and as a vote of confidence they let him go back in the game despite Pierce putting up a tonne of points. Burke.... blames Goltz for sucking and not being talented enough and refuses to give the guy another shot despite Boltus just being outright horrible and who hasn't shown one bit of promise. This was really an eye opener and quite a great example of why Burke definitely needs to be replaced next season.
  3. Well it doesn't make sense to me... If they hate Goltz why didn't they cut him and bring in Porter or Brink? Just really unprofessional stuff here...
  4. No doubts , they won with Collaros, a 3rd string rb and a banged up Owens and didn't they fully rebuild the secondary this season..... I do know the coaching they have is fantastic but the GM definitely wasn't a slouch either.
  5. Anyone know if he's decent blocking out of the backfield. If so it would be nice to have him on the field and Ford come on like Taylor does in Calgary and run the occasional sweep
  6. yeah but no one is going to hand up RIcky Ray on a silver platter. At this point Ricky Ray is in this groove because of the talent around him. Probably the most talent around him since he had Tucker and Hervey. I wasn't aware that Romby Bryant was a superstar.....
  7. Ottawa would be crazy not to take Glenn and then sign someone like Willy.... Max Hall is at the bottom of the list of QB's that Ottawa would want...
  8. Harris definitely is streaky... I haven't watched a tonne of Lions games... but quite a few of them I noticed they completely ignore him and keep him out of the gameplan which is weird. Even the TSN panel brings up the fact that he only gets 5 touches and that instead of constantly dropping back and going deep that they should utilize him underneath which eventually will open up the other parts of the offense. I definitely think he's worth pursuing and throwing decent coin... it's not like he's a Lumsden who would always get hurt or a Bauman who never even had 1 great season and was given a huge pay day...
  9. Might as well bring back Brink ... at least Brink was good in short yardage...
  10. Like Saskatchewan being able to sign Geroy Simon... like pretty much any team being able to be loaded with veterans and "superstars" and yet Winnipeg having the youngest and fewest superstars and somehow not being able to acquire free agents because they are "near" the cap.
  11. I don't give two craps if a guy is arrogant or looks like a jerk... as long as he produces results I'm happy. It's not like Wade Miller or Joe Mack were guys that were well liked by the public.
  12. Would be nice... but we are frugal and won't do it =\ Somehow another team with a loaded roster with big salary guys will find room to sign him....
  13. WORST CASE SCENARIO.... we get Drew Tate from Calgary...
  14. After watching the game tonight... I'd be perfectly fine with Max Hall being a back up for the team but nothing more. The guy simply can't make plays on the run at all. It's frustrating seeing him slowly hobble out of the pocket and either get creamed or float a ball to the general area of the receiver and hope that it doesn't get picked off. Nice guy, a warrior, has the football smarts... but yikes unless he has max protection and time to plant his foot.... he can't make plays. His deep balls are also Dinwiddie-ish wobblers that just won't fly in games that have any sort of wind....
  15. Ricky Ray setting a record for most yards, also setting a record for consecutive completions for an Argo at 21..... I don't think the team completely came out to play....
  16. Some dirty hits by Toronto, Watkins should of been ejected that was intentional. Hall looking OK, still wish he had a better arm but he looks OK for backup material. He also seems to be always hurt like Pierce. Boltus should not be doing short yardage if they hate Goltz so much then why not cut him.
  17. If Burke is back he will have a huge target on his back from the fans and eventually the media. It would be awful since the rebuild would be delayed yet another year
  18. Well if they want the jump on Collaros then who do we have to trade? Unless the Argos want maybe a guy like Sears I can't see to many guys they would want from us....
  19. My point was that he wasn't all that great mainly because he was inaccurate and his physical shortcomings prevented him from making plays. Hall can do good with a supporting cast that's above average.
  20. Who says Muamba is a lock for coming back.... Maybe we can trade Biks rights to Toronto for Collaros.
  21. Lol how do you rate his first half performance then? Explain to me what was good about him putting up 3 points and turning the ball over and really only having one productive drive? How do you spin that as something good?
  22. Because a hundred yards passing & 3 points in a half isn't dreadful. How can you even suggest that? The guy ended up with about 300 yards passing. Lol you are quite dense. I said he was dreadful for the first half. Please explain to me how 100 yards two turnovers and three points is something great? He played dreadful in the first half its fact. The second half he played well.... But he's yet to play great in a game from start till finish.
  23. Read my post genius I said he was dreadful in the first half which he was. I then praised him for his second half play. 3 points and 100 yards passing with two turnovers is dreadful! How can you spin that in any other way?
  24. Most NFL players are broke within 5 years of playing pro football. He could be short on cash.
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