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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. He's a decent guy, but doesn't have the athletic tools to play on a team with a sub par o line. Put his brains in troy Smith body and then you have a guy who could be great
  2. You could literally say that about any import.....
  3. How many TD drives did he lead us to.... how many passes was he way off target... you suggest having several turnovers as in playing good. Come on now he was dreadful in the first half. Outside of a circus catch by the new guy he barely moved the ball.
  4. This just in... Jeff Garcia wants to return to pro football Bring him in lol!!! I think dreadful was a good way to describe him.... I consider Goltz and his 5 yards passing in a half more so a drizzling $hits......
  5. We just can't catch a break....
  6. I finally had a chance to check out the game. Hall was dreadful In the first half but much better in the 2nd. His errant passes really are bad, if he had more athletic ability and an above average oline he could be a really good cfl qb. I'd like him back next season and Goltz as a third string. Sims welker looks awesome definitely want to see him back
  7. They tried to make Bowman the deep threat on the team here... He sucks at that and still does....
  8. Bowman still is the same player..get him deep and any sort of double coverage and he can't catch crap. Get it to him quick on a quick slant and he's great at getting YAC.
  9. I like how people are all glamorizing wally letting a player go as in that every move he makes is gold. Forget not that Wally traded for Buck Pierce!!!! Why isn't anyone bringing up the fact that a gm actually would trade for a guy who is beyond washed up. Look how bad Pierce has looked in BC! Foster sucks but hey at least we gave it a shot, saved some cash and moved on from a real poor player weighing the team down.
  10. Calvillo isn't going to Ottawa... much better odds that Nieswander would be picked up since he has about 2 - 3seasons with Montreal and seems to be ok so far
  11. Troy Smith has the athetlic ability... but he also has shown that he can make some really bone headed throws. Need to see him play before I can say he's not the next Bishop/McPherson....
  12. I'm ok with Hall staying but the team must bring in someone who has shown that he can play in this league.... I'll barf if we have Boltus and Goltz and another random unknown guy as our depth....
  13. IF they bring back Burke they will have to give away season tickets and they will have to deal with yet another year of purgatory .... it would be an awful move. Another full year of him throwing everyone under the bus and doing a player roulette hoping that whoever they plug in can do the job.
  14. Lol I hope you are joking !!
  15. I literally spit my drink out on that last part lol
  16. It's not like Mack who wasn't around for a good long time, just because someone has a few years away from the job doesn't mean he can't just come in and continue success. Kent Austin is doing "ok" in his first year back with a team coming off a really bad year.
  17. So Is Goltz going to see the field at all for the rest of this season?
  18. I'll take anyone new, Burris works for me. It's not like we will win the grey cup next season so maybe a stop gap who can stay healthy would work.
  19. The Bombers have the best red zone % in the league they said... That is mostly because of Goltz and his legs.... Yet Burke keeps putting Boltus in... Blows my mind... Hall wasn't doing that great he came on strong later on but for most of the first half he really sputtered and tossed some really ugly passes. He at least didn't look scared or made blatantly horrible decisions.... If only he could run and have an arm like Reilly....
  20. My thoughts... Hall is to slow and doesn't have the arm for this league. In the first half he only could dink it 5 yards and couldn't hit anything while on the run. He had two ints taken away from penalties. That being said he's the best we got for now. Ford isn't starting material but he's good as a change of pace back. The O line aside from the one big run was poor. Guys were hitting ford the second he had the ball. Montreal was god awful, nieswander had time to throw but just made some poor throws. They looked like they had zero interest in playing. I thought the lbers and secondary were solid and had a lot of hustle. Overall with all those turnovers we should of won by a lot more...
  21. They have the talent its ridiculous to say they don't have any.
  22. I think if the defense comes out to play it'll be a close game.... I think it will be a win if the Blue don't stumble and give up an easy 14 points in the first 5 minutes....
  23. After Burke gives a quote like that then clearly it is the coaching!!!
  24. It's laughable to think anyone would choose Collaros over Ray at this point. It's not like Ray is old as dirt like Calvillo and only has a season or two left in him.... He makes mediocre receivers look like superstars...
  25. Kelly at least showed emotions... and sadly Burke's legacy will be possibly lower then both Kelly and Reinbold...
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