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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Odell was way offside on that play
  2. So many stupid penalties taken by both teams
  3. This will be fun to watch that rain is coming down really hard.
  4. Lol that was awesome! Hamilton had made lots of mistakes this is great! Hope they play like this all season
  5. That guy who replaced fantuz has hurt them badly twice. This is great to watch!
  6. It was refreshing to see a qb actually look off his primary receiver and make a strong hard throw to his 2nd read. Also did you know if the other team blitzes and you immediately dump it off 5 yards away that eventually the defense will stop runnign the blitz! One thing I noticed from this game from the half I watched was the horrible horrible ref job done by Glen Johnson and company. Some absolutely atrocious holding going on with the o-line and zero flags thrown. Maybe I'm not aware of the rules, but for face masking does the player have to be holding the ball because I saw lots of Saskatchewan o-line grabbing and pulling down on the Calgary d-lines face masks (and their arms) with zero flags being tossed.
  7. Hank isn't made of glass and has a build, the problem with Tate is that he plays with reckless abandon and instead of taking a slide he'd rather go head first and take a big hit. Plus he moves around the pocket a lot more then most other qbs. Burris usually gets frazzled if you get in his face often and/or if if he has a few two and outs. He then forces his throws and that's when it's time to take advantage,
  8. I only watched the first half but Hefney was getting owned badly. Also every pass underneath was an easy completion for Saskatchewan. Calgary seemed very out of synch. Saskatchewans dB's also looked very crappy. Tate looked great in the first quarter made buck look god awful.
  9. Nik lewis also looks so fat and slow
  10. The guy is money and unlike Pierce he only fumbled once!!!
  11. Hefney also took a poor penalty earlier resulting in rider points. Tate looks million times better then Buck, he actually looks at mor then one receiver.
  12. Once again how many years does Goltz need before he is allowed to play
  13. Edem seems hurt every second play. Not impressed by him. The hate for JJ is not very justified, the returning was awful but his post on defense was solid. The problem with the o was buck.... If he could of stopped the blitz we could of had much more chances of going deep.
  14. Goltz as been with us for three seasons, Hall started in the NFL. What do these guys have to do to get some playing time? I would hope after three years Goltz should be ready!
  15. So you're saying that we need a qb with a quick release.... Hmmmmmm I wonder who is available
  16. I'm glad that my constant hints of bringing Glenn in is catching on! I definitely think he would be an upgrade over Buck.
  17. I don't think it's about the offense needing to gel at all. My concern is that Buck can't make the throws. This isn't like the receivers running the wrong routes and it them dropping catchable balls. I see receivers being disappointed because they are wide open and not getting the ball. The only issues I seen was bad hand offs, and a few plays where Simpson went the wrong way. But for the most part it was slow releases and bad throws. We are lucky that Kohlert made that amazing catch at the end.
  18. Goltz had 2 TDS , Pierce had 2 Fumbles.... isn't that enough The reason I say Goltz is because Pierce's arm has looked just awful tonight. He made one nice sharp throw to Edwards at the Goal Line.... but most of his throws were really floaters.
  19. Buck definitely had a great 1st quarter with his 150 yards and going 12 - 15 or whatever it was...... however the rest of the game in my opinion he looked very shakey. I'm not an expert but this game he had more protection yet it still seemed like he was throwing without planting his foot and his passes were very wobbly, slow and fairly inaccurate. Kind of reminded me of Khari in his last days. I don't want to pile on Pierce but his throws for the most part looked plain ugly and being an arm chair qb their were several times where he had Simpson wide open yet he locked in on his primary receiver and either went down or tossed it into tight coverage. I would not be opposed if they gave Goltz some play time because I think the offense could work if they had a qb who can actually pull of a quick release without fluttering the ball. Does anyone know if Max Hall has a decent release? Should we trade for Glenn, I know if Glenn played tonight we definitely would of put up much more points because the guys underneath definitely had some room to run if they had the ball. Any thoughts or am I over reacting on Buck's play?
  20. We so deserved that win... but holy jeeze i had a lot of heart burn watching that game. How in the world did they fumble the ball so much? I will take away from this game that the defense truly do have a chance at being at the top of the league. I also will take away that Buck Pierce can not throw a bullet...
  21. Who? The Riders dropped him for an older and much more pricier player?
  22. As someone else pointed out... other teams do face the blitz and eventually they can capitalize off of it. All I know is that Pierce had zero time in the pocket.... most other teams had much more time...
  23. How can we say our o line is under rated when they were dominated whenever Montreal blitzed them. I know things would of been better had Buck made some quick reads and releases... but dear lord he had zero steamboats meanwhile in the 4th Calvillo had a tonne of time.
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