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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Way to early to tell... but based on how many seconds he had in the pocket... it looked to me that Ray had a lot of protection.
  2. The article is garbage however he does speak the truth, it is a must win game for us. Last week our offense definitely was missing for a large part of the game. If we roll over and die then the fans will be pissed and management will be under fire. The folks of Winnipeg have no more patience so essentially every week its a must win game.
  3. We don't need Carr, we are set at receiver. We simply need a qb and some o line help. Also why take in a guy who already burned you once? He can wait on the sidelines with TJH for someone to call him if they are desperate.
  4. Wasn't he limping after the first throw interception? He definitely was already hurt and I think it made a big impact on his "confidence".
  5. Hefney closed in and made some good tackles in the 2nd half. BC with at least 4 botched snaps really hurt them badly. The o line also was absolutely the drizzling poops all night long. Is this rust or maybe a slight decline from last season? Calgary looked great all game long, Tate looks like gumby out there and plays the style that Buck should be playing. The receivers aside from the Lewis fumble played fantastic and the o line completely dominated. Cornish had gaping holes as Forde put it.
  6. Watching both games tonight... Buck didn't even have a fraction of the time that the other qbs get when they drop back. Our o-line was doing a very poor job in the last quarter.
  7. Joe west looks like jerry rice out there, amazing catches.
  8. BC apparently doesn't know how to snap also...
  9. I watched the Toronto game , Matt was right what were they doing putting the kicker out for that extra point?? Hamiltons defense is looking very bad they had zero pressure and no run defense. Toronto also looked pretty bad on defense no sugar coating on them either... They just suck. That being said we would lose to both of these teams since our offense sucks
  10. I disagree with some comments.... Montreal looked awful tonight, outside of some great pass protection in the 4th quarter... Calvillo looked really off target and rusty. he had a lot of lame duck passes. I think this game boils down to the awful 50 yard TD at the end where both our guys could of and sh ould of made a play on the ball. Montreal squeaks out a victory despite a huge early lead and 6 turnovers. Mike - I think Buck looked great for 3 minute and awful for the rest of the night. Just plain awful. Those int's were just brutal for a vet to throw. He played scared and rattled... but it didn't help that the o-line literally pulled down their pants and bent over in that last quarter. Jovon was owned by Bruce.... not looking good for him so far. Aside from the return td... special teams looked real good in my opinion. Crowton NEEDS to get his receivers to run routes that put them PAST the first down marker...... Etienne has great wheels and was a bright spot as well as Denmark. Refs need to be beaten.... Bombers as always find a way to lose a game....
  11. Did anyone hear him on the radio yesterday? I only caught the tail end of it.
  12. Do you think he will suffer from the Kevin Glenn effect where after he takes a big hit.... it takes him 2 - 3 quarters to calm down and play normal ball?
  13. How are all these guys hurt, the offense barely stayed on the field and all the back ups and rookies were the ones playing?
  14. Anyone think that Cauchy would of signed here if his bro wasn't playing for us. Nobody wanted Pierce... Boatman was a cast off.... Sorenson same as above... Bowman signed with Hamilton because our offer was based on his health..... I can't think of one desired free agent we have signed in years.... We missed the boat on a few game changers , but I don't think it would of really mattered. Our poor signings have been in the coaching area...
  15. Bang on, in preseason has any other team in the league scored only six points total ever?
  16. You could say the same about guessing who will win a game or the cup. In the world you live the only mathematical certainty is that you will live a very lonely sad life lol. The only mathematical guarantee in the the world is the percentage of success using sex panther!
  17. He put up more points then any of our 4 qbs did in 8 quarters!
  18. It's pre season and he wasn't playing with starters.... that is the excuse we will use. Just an FYI from the way back machine.... in a previous pre season game against Hamilton from the previous previous regime Justin Holland went 12-20 and 160 yards with 2 TDs including a 94 yard 16 play drive.....
  19. No point in bringing Porter in, we might as well sign McPherson if we are going to do that...
  20. No more time for excuses.... the excuses have ran out. Time for this team to put up or time to make big time changes. I sure hope the pre season was an aberration and that the team will be competitive this season.
  21. Toronto did not bring many starters, we still got smoked. What's the excuse for that?
  22. Moving the ball isn't enough, anything less then scoring points is a failure. It's been a long long time since we put on a good offense, the team can't go another year of crap offense that cant put points on the board.
  23. How so? Aside from the punting what was good? Remember in years past we struggled to justify in cutting guys because they were so good? Seems like the guys they brought in this year were absolute $hite.
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