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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Oh ok, I hadn't seen that. So one hurdle down!! yay! lol
  2. Yes, but I don't think it would be smart to base ratings on something was free when talking about something that would not be, especially when that product would likely be close to if not over $100 per person.
  3. Another hurdle that has been talked about..but not nearly enough. Is the American players. Would they be able to come over?
  4. The draft was free...
  5. On top of all those things, youd still be putting your health at in the hands of some idiots (there are always idiots) who think they know better and would undoubtedly ignore the rules.
  6. This...while the games are outside, theres the whole getting to and from your seats...bathrooms, concessions etc. I also dont spend 3+ hours in the grocery store. Nor do I attend the grocery store with 2 other people who dont live with me. On top of that, basically my entire section is season ticket holders (211 lower section, what up!!). So who moves and to where? And if I'm moving, I'd hope/expect a better seat as I'm sure most people would...if the seats are significantly worse/cheaper then what I paid for am I compensated?
  7. The ppv would need be to ridiculously expensive to work Unfortunately.
  8. Change takes time. And has already started via CFL 2.0 and trying to get the world to watch which will bring more TV contracts which means less reliance on ticket sales. Your take on this is surprisingly ignorant
  9. I love(? Maybe not the right word) that these type of people think they'd stand even the slightest chance against the government if it decided to go rogue and attack the people. Enjoy shooting those fancy rifles at drones and missiles. I also get a chuckle out the guys who do their best Chris Farley, fat man in a tiny jack routine but in bullet proof vest instead.
  10. I know, that's the shitty part. You just can't ever be sure unless you've been tested...and even then, the only way you can be 100% sure is if everyone has tested positive for the antibodies because you could theoretically catch it 10 min before a visit...
  11. Honest question, assuming everyone is healthy. Are we able to have extended family dinners (grandparents or aunt/uncle) assuming we stay under 10 people....?
  12. I can believe this. Not a chance in hell I would have taken my kids to see this in theatre. But to rent it at home where I can bugger off and do what I need to while the kids watch it...sure.
  13. From what I saw, the full $150mill would only be necessary if there is no season. I think for a short season they were requesting $30mil...I'll try and find where I saw that.
  14. Anything fun come of out this?
  15. Need is a key word. I've had to explain wants and needs (not to anyone on this board) FAR too many times to grown adults during this pandemic. No, you're yoga class is not something you NEED to attend, No you don't NEED to have a band practice. No you don't NEED a board game night.
  16. It's not. I've said it mutiple times. In times of desperation (war, famine, illness etc.) Sports is always...ALWAYS. The first to go. As seen by the NBA/NHL etc. Making it essential would be a very bad mistake by any political party.
  17. there won't ever be CFL football with no fans. It's not financially possible for any CFL team. The CFL is a ticket driven league. Also no open borders. No american players. No CFL ball. The CFL is talking the good talk right now. As they should be, because anything is possible. Don't cancel until there is absolutely no other choice/time left. But unless some kind of miracle occurs, I just don't see how any sport is played this year, outside of the NFL which doesn't need fans in the stands.
  18. I forgot how much I hated Sanchez as a player. Just a total ass, who played dirty. Thankfully he never played for the bombers. That kickoff from the oppositions 40 or whatever was pretty awesome too. I forgot about that. Should have just tried for an onside kick rather then going for the TD...
  19. hands down the absolute worse take on this topic.
  20. Yeah I've never been able to find the home game against BC....but I do have a copy of the West semi on my computer that I downloaded off youtube. I might be able to send you a copy if you want to forward me your email? Fyi you can easily download videos off youtube, so that you have a copy if they are taken down...I think I have 7 or 8 games (all W's) from last year on my computer.
  21. Yeah I read somewhere that the way it's written was more in line, if the league folds, as in it's not coming back, then the players would be FA (obviously) and it's not specifically for situations like this where play is being stopped basically via government order. Again, 3rd down is looking for stories (just like other sports media) where there really isn't any. I don't blame them at all either...I just wish people would stop taking everything they say as the word of god.
  22. It's extremely complicated unfortunately. I heard an example from a physician who said he had a patient who technically died of a heart attack. However, it was due to the Covid virus. The extra stress on the body, anxiety from slowly getting worse etc led to a heart attack. So while it's not Covid that killed him directly, it was still very much involved in his death...so where does he land in the stats? Should he be a covid death? I don't know....but it's not just as black and white as some politicians/media etc (on both sides) make it out to be.
  23. This amazing!! So pumped. BUT, they show may 8th is gonna be Wpg vs SSK from July 27th 2007. I thought that was odd, as I don't remember that game....when I looked it up via wikipedia it says it was Wpg vs Ham... Who's right? And the next week is WPG vs BC from 2012... If it's WPG vs Ham from 2007 (38-16 W) and WPG vs BC from 2012 (33-16 L) seems like some odd games to re-show..? I don't remember the games myself, but they seem like real stinkers (aside from the bombers winning the Ham game.) You'd think they'd show only the exciting games.
  24. I mean, he's not completely wrong. Business will still happen and does still happen in places with high taxes.
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