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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. Glad the bombers are letting things play out the way they will. And not over reacting. I'm also glad someone brought up the point that he probably won't have to go to court because he was issued a ticket. Not arrested. Isn't that how it works. If I get a speeding ticket I don't go to court and get sentenced. I pay the fine and move on. Don't know if that applies here but it doesn't seem to make sense for him to go to court when he's been given a ticket. As for the smell was in the car so he must have been smoking. I'm guessing you guys haven't been around pot in a while. **** can be strong. If it was in some foil, or just a small bag it could just be real stinky stuff. No smoking needed for a smell. Though I bet he probably was, anyone follow his instagram?? Lots of red eyes. just sayin lol. And smoking and driving, you guys gotta do some research (I can recommend some books if needed). Plenty of studies show that someone who uses then drives is less likely to drive dangerously, and can actually drive safer then when sober. though it does depend on how much was used, and how the driver used ie smoking, eating, pipe, bong, vaporizer etc. And the strength/type of pot. It's a pretty complicated subject which is why the laws on it aren't as solid as the Drinking and driving laws.
  2. Oh .. if we learned anything about Taman in his time here .. it's that he was a wunderkind when it came to cap management .. Wait .. what? Seriously though, Chick is 30 years old .. coming off a torn patella tendon .. hasn't played a meaningful snap in 18 months and before that, his involvement in Jacksonville (and a larger extend Indy) was limited. These are the guys we want to avoid. "Big" name that will likely not live up to his past reputation. THIS! Also RIDERS CAN SUCK A BAG OF HAMMERS first post!
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