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Everything posted by OldSchoolBlue

  1. Holoman - I thought about that too, as Ottawa would be unlikely to pick Burris. However if for some reason they DID pick him (instead of Glenn) then Hammy would be left without a starter of any merit. And really the chances of Ottawa picking a LeFevour are pretty slim with better options available, so I think they protect Burris - just to protect the CFL experience he brings. And Mike - what do you think would be an appropriate price for Collaros?
  2. Goltz Pierce Lulay DeMarco Nichols Reilly Joseph Glenn Tate Mitchell Durant Willy Ray Collaros Calvillo Marsh Burris LeFevour Above are the qbs that might warrant a look by the RedBlacks. I know the list is not complete. The bold ones are the guys I suspect will be protected by their team and the red (Glenn and Collaros) are the guys I think Ottawa would take, at this point in the season anyway (Collaros ahead of Willy simply because he's younger). The point is that there are a few guys (DeMarco, Nichols, Tate, Willy, Collaros, LeFevour) that their current teams may view as 'at risk', and might be available to the Bombers before Ottawa makes their selections in December (?). Also if Ottawa selected Glenn then Tate would subsequently be protected as well (at least that's my understanding). If I'm the Bombers, I'm inquiring about all these guys (primarily Collaros and Willy) sooner rather than later. Thoughts?
  3. I think the point here is that the Bombers could make a move on a number of different guys this year. There IS going to be unprecedented opportunity to get some pretty solid quarterbacking; once teams have decided who they are going to protect the others are up for grabs. I'd be completely shocked if the Bombers don't make a deal to acquire a starting qb before the Ottawa selection.
  4. uh no. Our O-line is a freaking disaster. A DISASTER.
  5. Stamps wtf
  6. Never stopped the Bombers :/
  7. I never bought into the overblown Reilly hype, but it's pretty hard blame him for the disaster that is the EE.
  8. Consequences will be KR out of a job.
  9. Qb merry-go-round in Edmonton. What a train wreck
  10. Man these teams are terrible
  11. I know that ship has sailed but boy I wish we still had Elliot in the fold. He wasn't perfect by a long shot, but he could make things happen, and the mistakes he was making were clearly rookie mistakes that could be coached out of him (i.e. forcing throws into coverage).
  12. If nothing else, at least it appears that all of the guys are rowing the boat in the same direction this year. Hopefully they can find something that moves the offense AND keeps Buck from getting his head taken off every second play.
  13. This. The mobile site is fantastic. Finally!
  14. agreed. Set the bar high.
  15. Locking HM up would do a lot to show the fans that the Bombers are serious regarding their NI talent. Lots of quality up and comers, let's not nickel dime these guys.
  16. Just want to add my thanks for the update - much appreciated fellas
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