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Everything posted by OldSchoolBlue

  1. Give it a break.
  2. Winning solves everything.
  3. This is bullshit. Burke needs to take control of this team. If he wants Crowton fired, then fire him. If he doesn't, then back him the **** up. The lack of accountability and actual leadership with this group is astounding, and as a fan, extremely disappointing.
  4. I'd be ok with that. The guy might be nuts but if he can stay healthy he's just what we need.
  5. Pure speculation: I'm willing to bet that the 'leak' was Butchko himself. Ask yourself this - what benefit does a member of the WBB board get by leaking information to Lawless? Nada. Butchko on the other hand, is a radio guy, understands the value of the information he holds and can dole it out to guys who a) He either owes a favour to from past experience or may be able to curry favour from in the future if he gets back into radio. The fact that Lawless has always been soft on the guy makes it worse.
  6. You can't simply 'clear the entire board'. That's not how Boards function, and for good reason. First of all, there's no one to do the 'clearing'. Nor can the Board members simply all resign at the same time. It's ridiculous that you seem to think that the board can just magically be reset somehow because there was an alleged breach of confidentiality. But you keep hunting those witches
  7. I doubt very much if he quit. That would mean we wouldn't have to pay him anymore. He was fired, I guarantee it. The 'mutual decision' spin is just that, spin in order to save face.
  8. What the bleep has Walters ever been successful at that he keeps getting promoted?
  9. Bullshit. A simple, vague agenda is all that is required, if even that. He'll the meeting could even take place by conference call if the can get a quorum.
  10. Not to drag up old arguments, but you guys are dead wrong on this. There's a reason this land is still undeveloped. It STINKS. Literally. The mushroom plant is across the street. Rothesay rendering is around the corner. Plus TRAINS. I worked right there for a decade. That idea was laughable,and the stadium design was a bare-bones joke. Don't pretend we aren't way ahead being where are today, because that site would not survive and would have been the laughingstock of the stadium world, never mind the cfl.
  11. Burn it to the ground and start again. And as odd as it. Sounds (to me anyway) I completely agree that Wade Miller of all people would be an interesting choice for CEO. The plug has a pretty good head on his shoulders.
  12. Crap. Hope (if true) that Higgins is the next GM. He brings a lot to the table and is a classy guy to boot. Part of me wishes the BOD turn the tables on Botchko and turf him instead of Mack though
  13. I have a game worn jersey that I won in the early 90's - I think it's a Michael Richardson (#31, royal blue)
  14. Sorry, I meant sign FA's coming off a contract, not draft.
  15. I don't think Ottawa will be allowed to draft FA's coming off a contract. That simply wouldn't make sense.
  16. I'm not sure (Glenn may be a FA?) and you're right - if Ottawa can secure a Glenn through FA then that would throw everything out. But I suspect the league has a restrictive plan for FAs, otherwise the door would be wide open for shenanigans.
  17. Let's face it - the Bombers first round pick this year is likely to be a gooder. From the Bomber's standpoint it may be tough to give that up for a guy we've barely seen play. They may be more interested in a more proven commodity like Tate (I'm not saying that would be a good idea) From a personal standpoint however I liked what I saw, and a Collaros / Goltz tandem would be something I would be pretty happy going into next year with. And no, there is zero chance that Ottawa picks Goltz if given the opportunity at this point. If he starts a bunch of games and lights it up that can change. RebusRankin - although I say Collaros I'd be happy enough with any of Collaros, Willy, Mitchell etc. I honestly wouldn't know how to rank them at this point, and I think it will come down to who is available and their asking price.
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