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Everything posted by K-Shack

  1. Just finished watching on PVR. How can our offense and our QB be so lost for 58 minutes and then execute so well for the last drive. That was incredible. I went back and rewatched the last drive and it was pretty vanilla to my untrained eyes (which I guess makes sense for a 2 minute drill) -- only one wrinkle with two backs blocking on the TD play -- but so well executed. I hope we can replicate that as it shows what Zach can still do if he can find that gear. It was gutsy, with his runs, and cerebral with his left to right progression to find Demski on the big throw to Demski. I'd really like to see us let him use his legs more. And Brady was fighting so hard. One great drive ended up being enough tonight.
  2. As an aside, I want to shout out Clercius. I was disappointed to lose BOLO in the offseason but Clercius has been an improvement in that spot. Catching 80% of his targets and nearly at BOLO's season high in yardage. Granted he's getting more opportunities with the receiving corps being decimated but Clercius is making the most of them. I think he's got a future as a tough yards guy, converting second downs
  3. I feel like Bighill is definitely the guy to do that with, if they finally concede to using it. Keeping him on a snap count and using him where he's still got it would be so beneficial. If they could have Jones or Wilson playing most of those reps with Bighill subbing in we'd be so much tighter in the LB core.
  4. That's good to know. I just saw it from the stands. I'll watch the replay. It did look like the DB ran the route for the receiver (Wilson?)
  5. It seems like he's frequently going C gap or wider on those runs. Not sure why he's not going inside. Lack of push by the interior OL?
  6. Play calling and QB execution are the two big ones for me. We absolutely need to be getting Brady more touches and ideally letting Streveler actually be a QB when we bring him in. But the other thing is accepting that Zach is going to be a B+ quarterback at his best at this point in his career. He had one throw tonight that was exceptional (the corner to Demski for the long gain), one boneheaded (the pick) and a bunch that were good but not great. He didn't seem to be hitting receivers in stride, ball seemed to be a bit late or a bit behind
  7. This is my first game attended since I moved to BC in January, and it was very nice to leave with a convincing W for the second time in two games against BC (and also seeing them win in BC again after being at the wild October game lasr year.) From my seat... 1. Jones -- I believe he had an incredible clean hit on Rourke on one of his scrambles. Probably the best MLB game I've seen from us this year. The only place I can see for Bighill on the roster at this point is as a nationalized American backup and short yardage player 2. Brady -- I wish we'd feed him more. No reason that the first rush of the game should have gone to JA. Unless we're playing from behind and need to air it out, Brady should be getting 20+ combined touches per game. 3. The four letter field side defenders in Ford and Holm -- a pick and an almost pick from Ford, and a few great recovery pass breakups by Holm. HH. Whitehead continuing with his physical streak and fighting for the tough yards on O and ST Observation of the game -- one main thing I miss about Winnipeg is home games at Fort Hew. Doman has gone incredible things to turn the Lions around and make football into accessible and affordable entertainment here in BC. But while it's great entertainment, a football atmosphere it is not. The lack of timely replays and down and distance, and inaccurate / unconfident stadium announcing were very noticeable. BC is on the right track in building the Lions up as a franchise, but it's got a ways to go in making it feel more like a football game. Also, this team feels like 2019 to me. We can win with dominant D, adequate offensive, and occasionally exceptional special teams
  8. Booch takes off his mask and it turns out he is Mike O'Shea!
  9. That was so clutch for someone who likely isn't on the hands team Reminds me off when we put Bond in at RG in 2017 or 18 I believe and it changed the line. I think Randolph had one illegal procedure and I didn't see him get beat. What a great first start.
  10. It's not just trusting the D, it's also avoiding the risk of Grant on a KO return. If you convert the first down (and arguably they did), you can bleed clock and then kick for the win with little time left.
  11. Pokey just poked me in the ribs there with that bobble
  12. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that flying helmet was the football
  13. Or he'll find an open receiver who will promptly fumble when trying for YAC
  14. Also why do you have this far away camera in the command center without any audio to hear what they are talking about (like other sports do when they do challenges shown on TV). Without the audio it's such a useless gimmick.
  15. This is a good use of a challenge IMO. Not sure if we'll be overturned but there's enough there to look at and it's obviously such a critical moment. Not like challenging and ending up with -2 yards.
  16. Collaros can't make quick reads, can't escape, and our line can't pass block = recipe for what we're seeing.
  17. Have they let Streveler throw once this season when he's come on (aside from when he's replaced an injured Zach)? Gotta let him be a QB
  18. I'm surprised at the delay in pulling him. He got one, possibly two plays in before CFL officiating got the communication down to pull him.
  19. I have so much respect for what Walters has done for this club but I think he and the management team have failed at considering two key maxims for GMs. - "Trade a player a year too early rather than a year too late." -- Branch Rickey - "The key is to pay for future performance, not past performance" -- Theo Epstein Granted that MLB management is different than the CFL, but I think we've clearly failed on both accounts with Zach and his expensive 3 year contract. Wally Buono showed several times that he would not have made this mistake.
  20. Yep. The signs were apparent last year but the fall this year has been so much steeper than I expected. We grossly misplayed our hand here. Plus the difference isn't just Brown vs Collaros. It's Brown + whatever asset we could have gotten for trading Zach + $300-400K to spend on other players vs Zach and whatever draft pick we got for Brown. Really poor management.
  21. He didn't get hurt? That's all I've got. He can't move side to side at all anymore. The only role I can see for him at this point that makes any sense is as a nationalized American brought in for short yardage D. He doesn't seem to have anything else. Yes! I love that they gave him deep shots plus clutch second down throws to move the chains.
  22. In all seriousness he's making me think of Schoen's rookie year. Looks like he's figuring out the waggle now and he's showing out. Wow.
  23. I disagree with every one of you. Wilson is so overrated. He didn't catch 3 of his precious few targets and didn't even get a DPI on one of them. He barely cracked 200 yards of receiving. And he had one less reception than the rest of the Bomber receivers combined. I don't know what you guys see in him /s
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