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Everything posted by K-Shack

  1. According to the Free Press, Brown also missed Friday's game for non-football reasons (I guess we just went with two QBs). I hope everything is okay for him. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/2023/07/11/back-up-to-speed
  2. The Awe-Phillion Douchebag Duo are...
  3. I like the switch from the kiss cam to the hug cam a lot. Not assuming that two people that present as opposite genders are partners that would kiss, whereas hugging could be friends, family, partners, other Bomber fans...
  4. This is great. Thanks, @wbbfan! Could you help me understand how the expected gain is calculated? Is it assuming getting a first down on the play, getting a first down on the set of downs remaining before a punt, season averages for that particular player, or something different entirely?
  5. We should have fired him 5 years ago so this travesty wouldn't have occurred 😅
  6. I'm guessing Agudosi would come back in if Grant has to sit, since offense + returning would likely be too high a rep count for McRae
  7. I rather dislike whiny Dickenson but even he pulled Awe after his garbage play on the first down of victory formation
  8. 1. McRae -- player of the game. He's not coming off the roster anytime soon. Love the game of chicken he played on the FG return. One more cut and he was gone -- just missed the read on Kelly's block. 2. Bailey -- Some hard fought yardage and a TD. 3. Houston – The pick. HH. The jumbo package of 2,100lbs and 10 minutes grinding out the yards Douchebag of the game and forever — Awe for his victory formation antics
  9. Well put! I didn't realize Briggs was older (even though it would be a simple check on the website) than Gauthier. I've just found it interesting that Gauthier as the MIKE body type seems to get into games on passing downs more than Briggs. But perhaps that's because we have Bighill effectively playing WIL or even safety on those downs? And yes -- that Gauthier tackle was perhaps the most critical play in breaking our Cup drought during that playoff run.
  10. And then a blip of Drew Tate before the long tenure of BLM. Quite a run indeed!
  11. I like the move to Threads and away from Elon Musk's dystopia but I don't like this "starting lineup" format they are using this year where they don't show the additions and subtractions from the roster. I know we can still find the PDF on their site but that takes more work. As for the depth chart itself... - Going to miss Gauthier. Hopefully Briggs will have a good game. He seemed to be ahead of Gauthier a season or two ago (if I recall correctly he started at WIL for a spell) but then got surpassed. - I continue to be amused that they are giving Thomas a secondary OL number even though we're rostering 7 OL - Love keeping McRae on the roster I think Schoen is probably the closest to this and seems to have ability to high point the ball along with his amazing route running etc.
  12. BA was chasing with Holm on the previous play and then beautiful bait on that pick
  13. They can't afford LaPo full-time? 😅
  14. I find it comical that we still have Thomas also listed with an OL number despite rostering 7 OL. As for listing Jeffcoat or Jefferson as the Designated National -- I'm not sure how that rule works. I believe it involves a snap count of 23, but do they only track snaps where the Designated National comes in for a Canadian, or do they track all snaps that player plays? If it's the latter, that could be the rationale for not using it on one of the Jeffs. I wonder how many snaps Grant takes per game factoring in KO and punt returns.
  15. Reading the RF thread about the game is also comical. Highlights include talking about the "phantom PI" where Demski got bowled over, us getting away with illegal blocks on the Grant TD, and someone saying we have peaked already and the Riders are ascending. Demski's become such an incredible route runner. It's so nice to watch. He could have an HH mention for his play in peeling off his block and taking down Harris or the running back, I forget which. Solid play by fatboi!
  16. 1. Zach Magic 2. Schoen with the big catches 3. Grant HH. Yoshi with the one hand pancake on the inside guy and then getting into his pass pro stance on the outside guy. SMH at the officials. So many poor and confusing calls.
  17. How could they **** this up so badly? My old beer league hockey site has more accurate stats
  18. Great play design. Bailey was open there too
  19. Brown scored two TDs on that drive
  20. Two rushing TDs by our QBs today and neither by Pigrome is a stat we would not have expected from tonight
  21. Touchdown Dru Brown. Pigrome undoubtedly has potential but they clearly trust Dru Brown more at this point.
  22. Harris is beating us on the field side. Refs... being refs. Collaros' first rushing TD as a Bomber, I believe?
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