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Everything posted by Logan007

  1. I see what you did they're...and I like it.
  2. This times infinity +1. Ok he's not THAT bad but I still don't want him. He didn't show enough to warrant a spot on a team that needs to be dominant in the offence.
  3. I don't want Kavis Reed in Winnipeg. I'll take Nelson over him. OC...man...I don't know. I'd like Cortez but I can't see him coming here since he's not getting HC job. I think I'm with Bluto on Khari. I'd take him as QBC though. I think Berry would be my pick (althoughs someone here said he's going to Edmonton...not sure how valid that is).
  4. If you want to watch it on youtube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjcBukzI24Q FYI it's only the announcement and it's not very audible.
  5. CJOB just ended the broadcast. Was there more then just "I'm the new head coach and that's all I have to say."?
  6. Thanks. CJOB is playing it too. When I checked a few minutes ago it wasn't playing.
  7. Holy hell your fast. EDIT: I lied...you have to be a purchaser of the Free Press to get on the site.
  8. Because I don't feel like walking 4 blocks to the Fairmont, can someone let me know if there's a live broadcast of this event?
  9. Wait, that's our Mike that asked that? ....I feel so....let down. Which one are you, the one with the backwards cap or the stupid glasses? stupid glasses. Sigh...I feel sad now. there I changed it. I look slightly (SLIGHTLY) less douchebaggy now. I dunno...what has been seen cannot be unseen... This will take a while to get over...
  10. Wait, that's our Mike that asked that? ....I feel so....let down. Which one are you, the one with the backwards cap or the stupid glasses? stupid glasses. Sigh...I feel sad now.
  11. Wait, that's our Mike that asked that? ....I feel so....let down. Which one are you, the one with the backwards cap or the stupid glasses?
  12. To me listening to it, McManus came off more like he knew what he needed to do to get paid for an full year as a player. I wouldn't say that it means he has a "solid understanding of the CFL’s collective bargaining agreement". It was a lame question from Penton in the news conference, going for a good quote, instead of asking something that might be important. It was a joke...
  13. That's not exactly what he said...I caught it on the way home and he said, and stay with me here guys because I know this sounds loony, but O'Shea essentially be the actual HC but bypass on the HC gig and just 'accept' a DC position here, thus allowing Cortez to be promoted from Sask OC to our HC as more of a figurehead title. O'Shea would be the HC but actually hold the DC title, and Cortez would be the OC but have the HC title. Ya... Does that sound as stupid to you as it does to me?
  14. Seriously....WHEN ARE THEY GONNA ANNOUNCE THE NEW HC!?!?!? The suspense is killing me! I wanna know now!
  15. Or gets roofied and has someone tattoo his face.
  16. We are currently looking for one. i always thought you're a good guy, i'm wrong. lol I'm just bugging you. I'm not really all that well connected within the club anymore. Pretty much everyone I used to get my information from has moved on. You know as much as I do about our coaching search. He's lying...you can tell just by looking at him. His nose gets red and he starts wearing party hats.
  17. Woah...woah...woah...now let's not go jumping to conclusions.
  18. Oh man Atomic...the log drivers waltz. That's awesome. I remember watching that all the time as a kid.
  19. No way. It's Ed Helms all the way. John K looks too nice to be Kyle. Kyle is always frowning with that funny pinched face look.
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