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Everything posted by saskbluefan

  1. Some of you guys have some sweet collections. I have a 97-04 Navy Blue. My wife bought it for me and it has a #71 but only on the back because she didn't realize football jerseys have numbers on both sides. It's hilarious. I also have 05-11 Stegall home jersey. It has the 2006 Grey Cup patch on it which is kind of cool. I have a 12-15 home which I call my Premier's jersey because it has no name or number. It looks like the kind of jersey the Premier would wear over a dress shirt to a Grey Cup event. Something his advisors handed him 5 minutes before his speech to try to look like a man of the people. I just never liked any of the players on recent teams enough to get it named and numbered. Or more accurately I never trusted any of the players to be around long enough to make it worth the expense. This year, I got a new Royal Blue Andrew Harris jersey and it's sweet as ****.
  2. Truthfully, that's not far off of how Reinbold got the job. Seriously though. I'm not in favour of firing Walters and I think this team's talent level is higher than its performance. But if you want to say he sucks I can't argue with you as much as I might want to. The record speaks for itself.
  3. Dwayne Slay. Most popular guy on the forums of all time pretty much based on a highlight video and a cool name. Got cut in camp. Then for like four years people were still posting, "do you think we should bring back Dwayne Slay?"
  4. Chris Williams
  5. Derel Walker
  6. The $50 gift card I got for winning this thing a couple years ago went toward the Harris 33 jersey I'll be sporting for the first time tonight. I hope I don't spill too many $5 beers on it.
  7. I'm tempted to call this the most Bomber thing ever but that's an overreaction. It will only be the most Bomber thing ever if he's day to day for four weeks, comes back and is ineffective for four weeks, gets hurt again, and is released in the off-season by the new management.
  8. Calgary 13-5 Edmonton 11-7 Winnipeg 8-10 BC 8-10 Sask 5-13 Ottawa 10-7-1 Hamilton 10-7-1 Toronto 8-10 Montreal 7-11 So almost the same standings as last year but I threw in that tie to make myself look daring.
  9. Andrew Harris
  10. I got the call Saturday that mine was ready to be picked up. But it's a Harris so I'm sure they have a million of them. Maybe ones with people's own names or guys that retired decades ago will take an extra few days.
  11. Having Reaves make the team as a Defensive Lineman is almost Joe Mackian. Ricky Clarke better stay close to his phone.
  12. Everybody criticizes fans (especially in the echo chamber internet age) for saying a player sucks when he plays for another team then flip flopping when he comes to their team. That's not the case here. We all thought Macho sucked in Sask and now we think he sucks even worse. I was really hoping for Patrick to win that spot. I think Macho is definitely destined to be this year's EJ Kuale.
  13. Yeah just find another Canadian to play Tackle. No problem.
  14. I really don't see a scenario where MOS comes of looking so bad he gets fired while LAPO comes off looking so good he gets promoted. Their fates are tied to each other.
  15. I feel like we need to get out of the mentality that a slow start would be the end of the world for this team. With the schedule we have and the changes we've made it seems inevitable. To me, 9-9 or 10-8 would be a good season. And if you think about the current CFL power rankings a 9-9 team is likely to lose a lot of the games we have bunched up before Labour Day and win a lot of the ones that come after.
  16. Did I read somewhere in the last couple of days that Lapo was going to be the Receivers Coach or was I just drunk? Or maybe both?
  17. When I was trying to formulate my response to this idea I tried to think of other examples of this type of thing happening in pro sports. The Nordiques is all I could come up with. In the end the truth is I don't understand Quebecois at the best of times so who knows? But I do understand people in Saskatoon and I'm telling you this wouldn't work. Or even happen. It might also be instructive to remember the Nords existed in another league for 8 years building a fan base before they entered the NHL.
  18. Your friend is right that people that live 2.5 hours from the venue are less likely to attend an event than people who live within 25 minutes. And they are particularly less likely to pre-commit to attending 10 such events. But believe me when I say Highway 11 is a busy busy place on Rider game days. The Riders are without question the most dominant, best ingrained, most passionately supported brand in Saskatoon. I can't disagree with you more strongly that "they aren't that big a deal there." As far as devotion to the team there is no difference between Regina and Saskatoon or Regina and PA or Regina and North Battleford. There might be less people able to attend the games but there aren't any less people wearing green and trash talking Winnipeggers. To suggest they would flick a switch and abandon their life long favourite team and their parent's favourite team and their parent's parent's favourite team one day and furtermore have a rivalry with that team is just not happening. Ultimately this issue will never be settled because their will never be a CFL team in Saskatoon. At least not unless some crazy **** goes down like all the Eastern teams fold and the league becomes a smaller western only operation. Ask yourself why that is? It's fine for you in Calgary or me in Winnipeg to say this is what Saskatoon should want or should do. But they don't want that. And there has never been any semi-serious discussion amongst Saskatoon's political or business leadership about bringing a CFL team to Saskatoon. In their view they already have one.
  19. I'm a bit of an expert on the city of Saskatoon. The Riders mythology is very very ingrained there. It would be tough to imagine a team competing with the Riders. To even picture the people I know in Stoon not bein Riders fans is difficult. Truthfully, the idea is rarely even discussed there. Especially since they would need basically a new stadium and they just paid a big portion of the new one in Regina. Also, consider how that would affect the Riders. You may have heard they draw on support from the whole province. Cut that fan base in half and it doesn't work as well.
  20. Well we will have to agree to disagree. Unless you tell me you wear your jersey tucked into your pants. Then we are headed for a flame war.
  21. You're right that fans can put whatever they want on jerseys. You could put Thornton #14 on a modern jersey. You could put Gretzky #99 on a Jets jersey too. They would both be equally incorrect. And I would mock you. Nothing personal. It doesn't make you less of a fan. It just makes you a fan wearing a jersey that makes no sense. Like I said, I'm a snob about such things.
  22. Personalized jerseys I can sort of abide by. Knock off jerseys and incorrect jerseys like a modern Jets jersey with "Hawerchuk" on it deserve to be mocked.
  23. I have a blue Stegall jersey circa 2006 and a blank blue current jersey. I haven't got a name and number on the current jersey because I don't like it that much and no player has ever seemed secure enough in his position to warrant it. With a guy like Milt you can still wear his jersey years after he's gone. No current player really qualifies. I'm a snob about such things so I would never get the current royal blue with a throw back name and number because that's not exactly the jersey he wore. I wear the Stegall at least 75% of the time and I never wear my jerseys to anything other than games. Or maybe something like LAbour Day watching at a friends place or a Grey Cup party. When the new jerseys come out I plan to get one but I really can't decide what name or number. I wash them about every 3rd or 4th wearing.
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