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Everything posted by saskbluefan

  1. Surprised we didn't protect Miles.
  2. We might want to wait a little longer then August. Like August 2015. The Taman/Ritchie rebuild didn't really kick into success until late in the 2000 season. A full season and a half after they took over. It will take a while to restock these shelves and then see it all gel IMO.
  3. This is nice to see, assuming they are adding both Danny Mac and this guy. I can't say if either hire will work out but I love they brought in two guys. I could never understand how Walters replaced Hodgkinson and assumed all the scouting and draft responsibilities Ross didn't have. Who was performing all those logistical jobs Ross used to do? It was clear we needed more bodies.
  4. I lived there 8 years. When I got there I had the "It's a friendly rivalry/great fans/prairie neighbours" thing going. I sort of felt sorry for them. I remember cheering for the Riders in the West playoffs the first few years. After a while as their confidence and then arrogance grew I came to hate the Riders and their fan base. Even though I count many of them amongst my closest friends. Perfect example of Riders bullshit is this, Pederson says this is "the greatest matchup in league history." http://www.cfl.ca/article/pedersen-best-grey-cup-matchup-ever%C2'>
  5. Cheering for Hamilton big time. Maybe cheering for Sask .00000001% for Taman. Not going this year because hotels were unavailable. Too bad because it would have been a great party.
  6. He did get run out of town the first time. But the truth is he was shot. Whether it was the fans or Taman or the media or whoever, they were right to replace him and trade him. He had nothing left and he struggled in three other places.
  7. i dunno man... i look at who the 24 nominal starters would be and only see a handful that i would "just have to" keep. think about it. The team was 3-15 this year. That people really believe they were just a competent QB and better Coach way from being a contender is a remnant of the IMWT era.
  8. If he gets a real good solid staff around him I don't see why he can't be successful. He's a smart guy and his team mates all said he was a hell of a leader, but he's such an unknown as a coach right now just really looks bad and is a big gamble. I think I'd be much more open to that gamble if it hadn't been such a **** show the last few years. Totally agree, but a lot of the candidates would be a gamble at this point. I want to like the idea of Khari as a head coach but I'm just not sure. They are all gambles at this point. Even Dickenson. Pick your poison. Hot shot coordinator? That'll run you at least 50% failure rate. Retread? People would be pissed if we hired Cortez or MB but sometimes guys do better in their second jobs. You never know until you know. I hope whoever they hire they will supply him with a quality QB.
  9. It's worse than that. Remember these guys: No kidding. But Henoc maybe would have beaten out Beswick if not for the Winnipeg voters being charmed by Ford's two returns.
  10. Well according to Wicek in this morning's Freep this could take a couple of weeks. First they have to remove the "acting" from Miller's title. Then go through the sham of a fake GM search (my words not his) before removing the "acting" from Walter's title. Or just announce both of those at once. Then fire Burke and hire a new HC.
  11. The thing is there are a lot of people on this board with so much credibility capital wrapped up in Joe Mack that they can't admit what a dog of a roster this is. So whatever shortcomings Burke may have need to be blown 10x out of proportion in order to blame him rather then the lack of talent on this team for the disaster this year has become.
  12. Pretty much agree. Gary has had a lot of very inside stuff on the Joe Mack era. Examples, who Kyle Walters really wanted to draft, the Kevin Glenn stuff etc. . Reasonable to assume that comes from Walters. So Gary is returning a favour. I don't necessarily think Kyle is wrong for the job but no way he's the most qualified. Remember, he only got the AGM job because Joe wanted to protect his own hide by having a someone in that chair who was completely unqualified to take over from him.
  13. I get being mad at Burke but why are some of you mad at the writer? He's not the one saying guys have checked out.
  14. I don't know. Luxury boxes are one of the life bloods of professional sports teams. I would think not getting paid for one for a couple of year's is far from ideal. The fact they have to deal that kind of deal with one of their Board members is not promising.
  15. Not to critisize the Board or anything but since they said they were going to be more transparent and less hands on they have... - Brought on a 13th Board member who by all accounts is a great addition but has also had many past dealing with the club and is well connected to the Board, while failing to acknowledge such. - Held a team HOF ceremony in which two back room boys and only one player were inducted. - Obsfucated the issue of how the all season bubble disappeared from the stadium - Continued to muddle the issue of cost overruns. - Swung a backroom deal with one of their own board members to fix the press box issue. Probably there are another 6 things I am either forgetting or don't know about. Whatever you think of the current Premier or whatever you will think of the next Premier I just feel like the current set up isn't working. I am open to ideas, personally,
  16. Bash Selinger and the NDP. That's fine. But not entirely relevant here. The next Premier is going to want the same thing or something similar. . Look, we all knew that loan was never getting paid back. It was only a matter of how long would they continue the charade and what would happen at the end. well this is the beginning of the end game. It might take 5 years to settle but the idea that the team would pay back $4 mill a year for the next generation and a half was always stretching the bounds of reason.
  17. Well there ya go. His NFL interest was he tweeted at some team. In related news Kate Upton is very interested in me. I'll be leaving the wife now but may return next year if it doesn't work out with Kate. I wonder if the NFL interest in Randle is as white hot as this?
  18. well Marshall for one was passed over for a ton of jobs before he ever got the head gig, Burke was passed over a bit before getting a job too. No one passed over the guys who did go on to be successful. I'd be skeptical of using Burke and Lapo getting head gigs from a guy who was fired primarily because he sucked the big one at hiring head coaches is much of an endorsement. That's your theory. Mine is the deficiencies of his head coaches were only one reason he was fired. Getting a Joe Mack managed team to the Grey Cup should put Lapo in the Hall of Fame IMO. Luckily there were still a lot of John Murphy guys left on D. You are right those guys were passed over for jobs. As were a lot of succesful coaches. In all sports in all leagues. Anyway, back to the original point. If Walters or who ever replaces him choses someone else over Dickenson I wouldn't call that cheaping out. To me, Dickenson is only one guy you would want to talk to. Just because he's a good X's and O's guy doesn't make him automatic HC material. Because a lot of x's and o's guys haven't worked out.
  19. Good post, if you are willing to ignore all context. Why did everyone know and understand that Milanovich would be a good head coach? Why did everyone understand that the "hotshot" co-ordinators Burke and Marshall would be awful? With respect, that’s completely revisionist. Check the archives when the Bombers went with Mack instead of the Barker/Milanovich combo. Lots of people doubting Milanovich. Then go back and google some articles about Burke and Marshall before they flamed out as Head Coaches. Lots of love for their prospects. Check out Stubler too. And then check out hotshot coordinators who got NFL head coaching jobs. Lots succeed. Lots don't. And they all look like Dave Dickenson looks now until they get the big chair. The point I was trying to illustrate is not that Dickenson will fail as an HC. Just that if you take away his playing career his resume isn’t that much better than a bunch of guys that have failed as HC’s. I don’t think he’s the obvious choice or that he’s necessarily in position to turn up his nose at the Bomber job. p.s. GC100 Chris Jones beat the ever loving poo out of him. You are totally missing the point. Resume matters little when you're looking at a guy making a jump from co-ordinator or other assistant coaching position to head coach. You are actually making that point, yet completely missing it. The context you are missing is leadership and an ability to galvanize a group toward a goal, the ability to manage a team. Everyone in the league knew that Milanovich had it, everyone wanted to interview him and he wasn't selling himself out for just any shot at being a head coach. Everyone knew he'd be a head coach, and a good one. Everyone knew that Burke is a milquetoast personality who is better off in the background, everyone knew that Greg Marshall has no management skils, everyone knows that Doug Berry has trouble developing a productive relationship with his players, everyone knew that Lapolice could break down tape and make the right calls, but that he probably couldn't inspire a lot of confidence and manage a team. The stops on their resume don't fill in these gaps, and those are the differences between very good and great head coaches and crappy ones. The feeling now is that Dickenson fits the Hufnagel-Milanovich mould, Calgary believes in that feeling enough to pay Dickenson more than our head coach to call plays. That Grey Cup has little bearing on Dickenson or Jones going forward as potential head coaches. The Stamps got there with Kevin Glenn, not a surprise that he choked, the better QB won that game. Sorry but you're missing my point. Everybody didn't know those things. If they did Burke, Marshall and Lapo wouldn't have got those jobs. Don't believe me? Use google. Read things witten when they were hired, not after they were fired. Everybody knows a lot more after the fact. You are right though that we agree on the resume issue.
  20. Good post, if you are willing to ignore all context. Why did everyone know and understand that Milanovich would be a good head coach? Why did everyone understand that the "hotshot" co-ordinators Burke and Marshall would be awful? With respect, that’s completely revisionist. Check the archives when the Bombers went with Mack instead of the Barker/Milanovich combo. Lots of people doubting Milanovich. Then go back and google some articles about Burke and Marshall before they flamed out as Head Coaches. Lots of love for their prospects. Check out Stubler too. And then check out hotshot coordinators who got NFL head coaching jobs. Lots succeed. Lots don't. And they all look like Dave Dickenson looks now until they get the big chair. The point I was trying to illustrate is not that Dickenson will fail as an HC. Just that if you take away his playing career his resume isn’t that much better than a bunch of guys that have failed as HC’s. I don’t think he’s the obvious choice or that he’s necessarily in position to turn up his nose at the Bomber job. p.s. GC100 Chris Jones beat the ever loving poo out of him.
  21. Bad sign that people get a whiff of this poo show and bolt. This season cannot end fast enough. not too swift on the uptake? he apparently has am NFL sniff and didnt want to commit to a 1 + 1 deal.. Oh sorry I missed that. Other then it being mentioned in this thread. Which is of course the same as official confirmation. Are you sure you're not a member of the Winnipeg media? Your instincts to jump to the negative conclusion in every circumstance is something they value and cherish. Isn't jumping to the conlcusion he has NFL interest the same thing? Is that ok because it's a more comfortable conclusion? And the Winnipeg media hasn't questioned the Aaron Rouse NFL interest at all even though it was obviously b.s.
  22. Dickenson. Hot shot coordinator who's never been a head coach. Burke. Hot shot coordinator who's never been an head coach. Lapolice. Hot shot coordinator who's never been a head coach. Kelly. Hot shot former coodinator who's never been a head coach in any real of relevant sense anyway. Berry. Hot shot coodinator who's never been a head coach. Why are some of those considered cheaping out while hiring Dickenson would not? People, myself included, are frequently critical of including playing career in the qualifications for coaching or manegment jobs but that seems to have gone off the rails here. If Dickenson had spent the 90's bouncing around in the arena league would there be all this hype about him as the next big thing in coaching who the Bombers just have to go out and get? He's a candidate. Interview him. If he doesn't want to leave his cushy gig move on to the next up and coming and unproven coordinator.
  23. Bad sign that people get a whiff of this poo show and bolt. This season cannot end fast enough. not too swift on the uptake? he apparently has am NFL sniff and didnt want to commit to a 1 + 1 deal.. Oh sorry I missed that. Other then it being mentioned in this thread. Which is of course the same as official confirmation.
  24. Bad sign that people get a whiff of this poo show and bolt. This season cannot end fast enough.
  25. At least it took a hard hit to put him out. That wasn't always the case here.
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