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Everything posted by saskbluefan

  1. Hire a qualified and experienced GM, no matter what the cost, and that will take care of itself. Nothing is getting fixed this year anyway.
  2. Wouldn't it just be a Buster Douglas level upset of the century if Kyle Walters ended up being just awesome as a GM?
  3. He also said Crowton won't be calling plays. That's interesting. He also pointed out that Mack's hiring was also leaked by the board. Just some historical perspective. Anyway, hopefully it will take a few months to hire a new GM because without Joe Mack to debate anymore what will we do? Let's start with this. What if Sask doesn't want to lose local hero and up and comer Jeremey O'Day and they let Taman walk. How would you feel about Brendan coming back to run the Bombers?
  4. Interested yes. But I would want to sniff around the hot shot candidates first. Maybe see if someone comes loose.
  5. Fine. I don't disagree with that. But my point is it would be ideal if a new guy could get a 2/3 season head start on what he wants to accomplish here. It would be nice is the 2014 season wasn't written off to assessment.
  6. I won't dump on a guy about to lose his job because I'm sure he made a good faith effort. It will be interesting to see what they do in the interim here. On the one hand it gives a replacement 2/3 of a lost season to evaluate and begin to move his pieces in. That helped Tillman and Sask win the Cup in '07. On the other hand if it's just Walters treading water till Candidate X gets hired in November things could get even more ugly than the ugly they already are. On the 3rd hand having a GM in charge who all but knows he's gone at the end of the year can be dangerous too. And that's where this was heading.
  7. No doubt the Bombers should start Goltz next game, the game after, and for the foreseeable future. It's the responsible thing to do for the organization. But if there was a game tomorrow for my life, of the two, I would want Buck to start it. Goltz level of innacuracy in BC was almost Bishopian. Just my opinion though. More importantly, Crowton sucks. But can we please not go down the road of it's all his fault. Like we would be a contender if this guy or that guy was our OC. Enough with the simple solutions. The problems on this team are elbow deep. Nay, shoulder deep. They go beyond the OC, or the last HC/OC, or the OC before that.
  8. The answer to the question is complex. But I will say this. I am now less emotionally involved with the team. I don't feel the same kind of rage or sadness with losses as I used to. Obviously, some of that is just growing up and changing life circumstances but some of it is a certain ennui setting in. But that's happneed before and as soon as I get a whiff of possibility around the team I will be all in emotionally once again.
  9. I voted other because I haven't been given the opportunity to vet and interview the potential candidates so I have no idea who I would hire. If "not Joe Mack" was one of the choices I would pick that.
  10. Saw Lyle is a box at the Stamps/Bombers game. He wasn't kibitzing and talking business that's for sure. He was there to watch football.
  11. No chance. None. With all the negative pub the team has generated in the last few years I can't see it. So I say 0.00000000001% chance. On the other hand. He's the only guy really available right now. None of the "home run hires" are going to leave their teams mid-season. Nor would the next generation AGM types like the guy in BC. Plus, He did take over Sask mid-season. Spent the rest of the year evaluating and bringing in new guys. Then hit the ground running and won the Coupe in '07. But on the other other hand (or the original hand if you prefer) a lot of bad **** has happened since then. So 0.000000000001% chance.
  12. Remember when one of the roles of the AGM was going to be to be the public face of the team and speak on behalf of football manegment? Me nether.
  13. I'd hate to have a guy like the running the team.
  14. Harris and Sheets
  15. Can anyone provide a link to a media member saying that Goltz should be "thrown on the trash heap"? Or anything close to that? I think the media said the same thing we did. It's only one game. He's hampered by the system. Hard to judge him at this time.
  16. We don't even have our "Yeah but every other team would be screwed too if their starter went down" security blanket anymore. When we're stripped of our dignity and then even stripped of the lies we tell ourselves to maintain that dignity what do we have left?
  17. Section 233 please. Though that would have to be the end of me bringing my wife to the games.
  18. Kind of. Sort of in between the other two GC appearences. They at least made the playoffs in '06 and '08. Where as they were the worst team in the league in '10 and '12.
  19. And we aren't all that **** hot diagonally either.
  20. Remember last year when Mack finally got trotted out and held a presser? He blamed the death of Richard Harris and made his "hug-a-player" speech. Neither idea went over very well except with his ever shrinking band of defenders. So what's he going to say that has any bearing on anything? Maybe later this week he'll do a couple of one on ones with key media guys. Or maybe they'll trot him out for availability. Maybe he'll speak when they inevitably scapegoat Crowton. (not that he doesn't deserve it) At some point between today and two days after the Grey Cup somebody is going to finally hold Joe Mack accountable for his record. And when that day comes it won't be Joe Mack speaking at the press conference.
  21. I have more than 1100 posts there and have never had a warning. Must be because I'm such a nice guy.
  22. Not that it's really relevent to the "What's The Problem" topic title but I don't really agree the 2001 Grey Cup appearence was an illusion. 2001 The year before the rebuild from Reinbold finally clicked in. They finished strong and won a playoff game. Then 2001. 14-4. The year after the finished 12-6 and lost the Western Final by 3 points with Stegall and Roberts both injured. Even 2003 they finished 11-7 and hosted a playoff game. That's the last time they won 11 regular season games. 2001 Year before they were the worst team in the league. Then 2011. 10-8. Then the worst team in the league (tied, technically) Then this year... Maybe setting the all time Bombers win record was a bit of an iillusion but making the Grey Cup was no fluke. 2011 was definitely a fluke.
  23. Top to bottom this team just doesn't have enough talent.
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