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Everything posted by saskbluefan

  1. Well if he isn't there today we will need to come up with another excuse from the " where is American player and why didn't he report for duty with his CFL team as expected" handbook. We have already used Visa problems. Which is pretty funny considering he had already been in Canada with the Argos. I have to admit "we let him go on a pre- planned family vacation" was a new one to me. So this week options include... a) sick family member NFL interest C) **** him we didn't need him anyway. Maybe "Where's Thaddeus this week?" this could replace the Lock of The Week as a game for MBB posters?
  2. Yeah it sucks you can't pick any game if you miss the start of the first. Oh well there goes that. PM them to me, I'll put them in. I've done it for others.
  3. quote name="Logan007" post="82089" timestamp="1410552207"] Saskbluefan cheats. He's using clairvoyance to tell the future and makes all 4 picks every time. Stop using your superior telepathic powers Sask...it's worse because you're using them whilst in Saskatchewan, and that's just wrong.
  4. Wish him the best. Hopefully just a bump in the long road of life.
  5. Tough one. I'll go with Steele.
  6. You have major changes at the top of the organization. An organization that was pretty much a tire fire for a few years. Not saying it was Jim Bell or Jeff Bannons fault. No doubt it was not. But when the winds of change blow through a building they will sweep out all kinds of folks.
  7. That's why somebody should offer to overpay by $25,000. Make sure Sask doesn't get him cheap. Of course Rider fans I'm sure assume he will sign there for the league minimum just for the honour of playing for the "best fans in the league."
  8. Maybe a rough estimate. You have to factor in how many people went just cause it was guaranteed win night. How much is spent on concessions by return visitors. Ie if a seat sells for 80 bucks and wasn't going to sell, if you fill it for free but the patron buys beer and food, are you really out 80 dollars? This
  9. Realistically you can make a living in Regina as an ex-Rider. Especially a Hall of Fame type. If he goes back there and plays 3 more seasons of high calibre ball he is practically set. It's going to be very hard for another team to get him for an extra 10 or 15 K. He can make that up easily playing for the Riders. But like I said I hope someone makes him a huge offer so the Riders have to use a big chunk of cap space on him.
  10. Arguably?
  11. If Dressler appears this Sunday at Mosaic in Blue and Gold he absolutely has to hit Darian in the head with a steel chair.
  12. Dressler is the better player AINEC, I don't know what AINEC means but absolutely Dressler is better thn Matthews. And It's Not Even Close Thanks. And agree.
  13. Don't get me wrong I am super happy with the Bombers 6-3 start but IMO they don't have a lot of elite talent. And by elite I mean top 1 or 2 in the league at a certain position. Alex Hall is such a guy.
  14. Dressler is the better player AINEC, I don't know what AINEC means but absolutely Dressler is better thn Matthews.
  15. If I were one of the other West teams I would make sure the Riders have to make him the highest paid receiver in the league. You might not get him but you can make it tougher for the Riders to manage the cap going forward.
  16. I was hoping he would last another week. We will probably be facing him this Sunday.
  17. Will shill for free jersey. #winnipegmedia
  18. Funny that the Bombers themselves haven't tweeted out a pic. Just answered a couple questions about them. One of which the answer to was "we will be wearing them one time".
  19. They all look so ashamed.
  20. Just saw them. Straight up Argos.
  21. If I go out I'm going out wearing Bombers colours. Yes, pixilated blue and white. Grigsby.
  22. You guys see the Rifles new kits? They look pretty sweet. Sorry I don't know all about the uploading of pics and stuff but they are on twitter etc.
  23. Back to Will Ford.
  24. I sort of want to wait until after tomorrow's game to see how they stack up before making this call. I think they can split with BC, win two of the five vs Sask and Cal and win three of four against the East. So 11-7. Lots of variables that could change that though, obviously
  25. They will be awful for sure. This whole crazy uni thing you see with American colleges will be mocked openly by our children watching old clips on whatever succeeds the thing that succeeds the thing that succeeds youtube. So this year the Bombers will wear their half decent blue home jerseys, their disgraceful gold away jerseys, their so beautiful it makes my heart weep that they aren't worn all the time royal blue jerseys (hopefully at least once), and their hideous new Reebok look how creative we are uni? Four uniforms in one season. No milking the fans there.
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